"Coasties" are insufferable

<p>Actually, it was the first game that wasn’t a sellout in five years (owing to the quality of the opponent). Student tickets were not in short supply. </p>

<p>That aside, my point was simply that this “Coastie/Sconnie” thing is grossly overblown. It’s no big deal. I suppose they don’t have issues like this at Illinois because almost all of the students are from Illinois. Same thing at Berkeley and UCLA and Texas and North Carolina. I’ll take Wisconsin’s student body’s geographic diversity any day, even if it means there will be some low intensity cultural divides.</p>

<p>Take this post knowing that I post without reading beyond the first post.</p>

<p>I read this at first and thought it to be utter non-sense. I have a couple east coasters in my english class and they seem like reasonable people. However, over the past couple weeks the truth has been revealed. They are insufferable. The three “coasties” in my class are rude, spoiled (living in lucky or whatever other private towers) and just generally arrogant. I’ve come to the point where I can’t stand them. They often project their voices across the room and don’t care about anybody else.</p>

<p>In contrast, the one “coastie” from the west coast seems the total opposite. He is well mannered and seems to fit in quite naturally with the cultural here.</p>

<p>That is just the way of the East Coast. The ECoastie is louder, faster, swears
more, and is more opinionated than the Midwest and Left Coast. Just the way it is. Consider cultural awareness training if you ever go to work in NY or Boston. Feel free to throw it right back–they won’t be hurt.</p>

<p>BTW I was just at UVa for a day. The rage is wearing dresses and cowgirl boots. What is that about? Somebody I asked said some singer does it.</p>

<p>Get with the times Barrons. The new trends in high schools (and apparently colleges, too) this year is country and backwoods. Rap and hip-hop are out, country is in.</p>

<p>Come to any high school in the Twin Cities and you will find this out :)</p>

<p>Prejudices always say more about the people who hold them then about those they are directed towards. I often feel that the animosity directed towards “coasties” is a result of them being the most visible non-midwestern group on campus. Perhaps if the many Korean students were more integrated into campus life, you would be ranting against them? They also wear progressive fashion and tend to keep to themselves. But then again, they are a better defined racial group, which would not be PC. Coasties, (Jews), are a much more acceptable target. I’m assuming the OP came to Madison because it is the only world-class university in the UW system. One would assume that in coming here, he knew he would have to contend with diversity. World class research and thinking is done on this campus because of the cooperation of students from all over the world, INCLUDING THE COASTS! If you want to be surrounded by your fellow sconnies and non-threatening assimilated out-of-staters, transfer to UW-Eau Claire.</p>

<p>^well put.</p>

<p>Uh Oh. now mrmet went and said it.</p>

<p>Why don’t those east coasters go to their own world class state flagships? Oh wait…</p>

<p>To clarify- being Jewish and from the east coast does NOT make one a “coastie”. Attitude of separateness from the majority of fellow students does. This can include choice of housing and clothing along with a projected sense of being better than the rest along with coming from a coast. Historically Jews were welcomed at UW when there was far more discrimination among colleges so along with its academic excellence UW has been on the radar for many east coast Jewish students. I suspect some you think have a superior attitude are hiding their insecurities behind a facade, which unfortunately makes things worse. Some will have parents encouraging them to live where past students from their area live and to live with others from their home area to help with the loneliness that can exist when so far from home. Clothing styles and availability do differ from region to region. It is tough to go to a public U so far from home when the majority of students have much more common ground so it is not surprising that some choose an island of familiarity. Of course the ones who benefit the most from their UW experience are those who mingle with the rest, just as those with HS friends benefit most by not spending their spare time with those.</p>

<p>Where do folks from Illinois (particularly Chicagoland) fall in this Sconnie/Coastie thing? I haven’t seen any references on here to FIBs yet, which I guess is a good thing.</p>

<p>What’s this about their different clothing? Refusal to wear a cheese hat or something?</p>

<p>B’s mom - When I attended in the late 80’s FIB’s were the bugaboo - and like the coastie thing it was just NOT A BIG DEAL. being a FIB myself i had friends from WI and many from NY and Chicago suburbs. </p>

<p>unfortunately, for many when the words “east coast” or “New York” are used to describe someone’s attitude it often comes off as anti-semetic - i don’t believe it is always the intent, but historically it’s been code.</p>

<p>as with the case with labels or stereotypes, complexity is the foil. fact is, there are jewish students from wisconsin, minnesota, illinois, california, and ny. there are gentile kids from whitefish bay who separate themselves from others based on class or race or social affiliation. i’m not saying it’s good, but as a previous poster stated, the labels say more about the person using them than the subject. </p>

<p>UW-Madison has a top rated sociology department. maybe students should take some classes along with statistics before practicing amateur social analysis.</p>



<p>LOL, what does that say about your school’s standards if you perceive it as the place where poor-performing students go? You just trash talked yourself.</p>

<p>How timely, this is currently making the rounds on campus and on Facebook:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.myspace.com/coastiesong[/url]”>http://www.myspace.com/coastiesong&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It was apparently made by UW students.</p>

<p>Regarding clothing- the midwest does not have the same brands and fashion forward clothing in many of its cities and regional variations will show. Neither good nor bad, just different.</p>

<p>MNBadger, do you think the kids who made the site are in state our OOS?</p>

<p>Haha!! funnier then heck:</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Coastie Song (What’s a Coastie?)](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw9ODIZj40w]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw9ODIZj40w)</p>

What’s a coastie?
Black tights all day
That’s a coastie
Starbucks big shades!
She a coastie
Always blowin’ daddy’s money
You a coastie
My east coast jewish honey</p>

<p>What’s a coastie?
White tee v-neck
That’s a coastie
She always think that she the best
She a coastie
North face with the uggs
You a coastie
But ima still show some love</p>

<p>(Quincy verse)
My Jewish American princess baby
Walks wit a swag and talks so crazy
East coast accent,
East coast fashion
Black spandex wit an ass like Bascom!
Smokin on a cig as she passin,
Blackberry messagin,
Take off the glasses,
Lemme see your face
It’s a hot summer day
Still rockin North Face.
Gotta Starbucks cup, yeah you my star Bucky
I know you live there but I could really get you lucky
So i said honey, be my lady
She said, “kk…Ima meet you at the KK”</p>


<p>(Beef Verse)
Walk up out my spot,
Look around and say, “yesss”
Coastie got me sedated like a pill of Xanax
Always walkin Langdon with a strut lookin haawwt
Talkin on her celly like, “girl ohh gawwwd!”
Coach bag, Gucci shades that they daddy bought
Muggin’ wearin v-neck tees with they iPaawwd
Always up in Van Vleck, “I have a question”
Baby sit back, let me explain this lesson</p>


<p>Don Rickles is funny. Buddy Young Jr is funny. This is kind of hateful.</p>

<p>Some of that stuff though, kids in the midwest do just to LOOK like coasties… North face+uggs is really popular here in Minnesota… blackberries and black tights too…</p>

<p>While at times in questionable taste, the overall impact was hilarious. It’s satire. The Chicago part was priceless. Those boys are in love with the Coastie mystique.</p>