Cognitive abilities test score

My oldest son has just taken his cogat test and he’s concerned about his score. He’s concerned because he on one part of the test he didn’t manage to answer all the questions. Would that affect his grade?

I believe that the CogAt test is intended to properly assess a student’s level at the time. So, not being able to answer all the questions would assess his level as not “as high as the test goes”, but instead “above all the ones he answered” and “below the ones he didn’t answer”.

My memory of the CogAt is that it was given to elementary school students to determine their placement in Gifted/Talented programs. If that’s the case for your son, he may need you, as the parent, to help him learn to step away from the high-stakes testing game, and find the things he loves in life.

Exactly, and it will not have any effect on any grade.