<p>A college accepetence letter, isn't the reward you get for hard work in high school. Everyone, people in admissions offices for top schools, college professors, and GCs, have told me the same thing. The accepetences to college are so random. Just because you don't get an accepetence letter, doesn't mean that your not a hard worker. Getting into college is more about a luck these days then anything. It's a lottery really. Think about it, depending how much of a good a student you are, you can to enter youself in different lotteries. Most of us, can enter any lottery of our choosing because of our stats. And then it's as if, they just mix them up in a bowl and choose them out, just like a lottery. </p>
<p>I'm not sure, if that analogoy made a lot of sense, but I just don't want people to get discouraged about this whole process. It sucks in a lot of ways. And no, it's not fair. Great students get deffered and rejected, but that's almost because Georgetown could fill it's self 5 times over with quailified applicants and then some!! Best of luck to you all. (P.S i made a collegeconfidential group on facebook, search for it and join it haha)</p>