College Admissions Statistics Class of 2020: Early Decision & Early Action Acceptance Rates

^northwestern is a fine school (otherwise my firm would not be recruiting there). Feel free to find and contact me by linkedin btw - I’ve given out my contact info to others before. But to suggest northwestern or duke or hopkins (not sure if hopkins or duke alums have made this assertion) are close to the ivies in admissions desirability is a bit misguided. The ivies for years have had overall yield over 50%. How some schools have manipulated admissions to get closer to this overall yield threshold of 50% versus others is extremely misleading. It is what it is.

Quality is another topic altogether. A school that gets applicants in at a higher rate to elite professional or graduate schools with similar credentials versus those at other equally selective institutions is an important metric, not merely placement.

^I think your messages were a bit overkill just because one poster claimed Northwestern is close to Ivies in terms of admission yield. I think many of us would know any such claim would be false anyway.

As far as peer assessments go, they matter more for grad schools. But when it comes to grad schools, departmental rankings matter much more than any overall assessment scores. I think JHU’s assessment is heavily influenced by its medical school and therefore slightly overrated. It seems to me all other schools with 4.6 or higher are more consistent in terms of number of, say, top-10 departments in arts and sciences (engineering for CalTech/MIT). Columbia/Chicago also have top-10 law/business/med schools. On the other hand, most JHU’s engineering or sciences, other than BME (maybe bio?), are not in the top-10; its business school is not ranked. Overall, its departmental rankings seem to be on par with Duke and Northwestern, worse than Penn, and nowhere near Chicago/Columbia. Northwestern still has some catch-up to do but so does JHU. Neither of them are doing “very poorly” however.

Jhu does well at other areas you did not allude to. Environmental enginineering is top 8, as is statistics (top 5). History is borderline top 10 (#11),public health is tops, nursing and education are tops, english is close to top 10 (#13), creative writing is top 2. Environmental engineering is top 10, most other engineering departments are top 15 or 20 (which belies the overall engineering ranking of 21). These far surpass northwestern, penn, and columbia in engineering department quality.

^What about JHU’s chemistry, math, economics, poli sci, psychology vs those at Columbia? Actually, Northwestern’s industrial and material are top 5 and biomedical is top 10. So I don’t see how JHU is better than, let alone “far surpass” Northwestern in engineering. Admittedly, Columbia’s engineering is its weakest spot but it’s still somehow ranked 14th overall. Once you move to arts and sciences, Columbia is noticeably stronger and more consistent across the board.

As I pointed out, pretty much every private besides arguably MIT & Caltech game admissions to some extent (and with all privates being holistic to a large degree, none of them are purely meritocratic by any objective standard). Because of that, I care more about alumni accomplishments rather than what each school does in terms of input selection* (which would differ by each school and their needs) or how desirable they are to some teenagers (seriously, do people actually think that HS teenagers are an infinite pool of wisdom?). But since you want to look at departmental rankings, here are the averages of departmental rankings:

Northwestern at #14 is in the middle of the Ivies (behind HYP, Columbia, and Cornell, but above Penn, Brown and Dartmouth). BTW, JHU and Duke are slightly behind, which means that they really only beat out the non-research-powerhouse Ivies of Brown and Dartmouth.

Even in the overall reputational rankings (by academics), NU is tied for #13 (which is around its overall USNews ranking):

If you think that that is doing “very poorly”, then almost every single research uni in the US (outside of maybe the top 10) does very poorly in which case there’s no point debating you.

Because JHU’s rd yield at 28% is far below 31% right? Both are abysmal and behind the ivies. Does northwestern even compete with JHU for the same applicants? Seems like northwestern would compete more with UMich and Uchicago.

Your test scores/freshman credentials are also quite a bit outdated:

JHU freshman test scores:

1400 to 1550

Percent of freshman in top 10% of class in high school: 92%


1400 to 1560

Percent of freshman in top 10% of class in high school: 91%

there’s no need for JHU to accept more from ED. They can still raise freshman test scores and overall yield by taking around 40% of freshman early. Can’t say the same for northwestern.

@blah2008, though NU probably could do so if they graduated 30%+ more bachelors-holders than they took in in the official FT fall entering class, taking the tuition of all those folks while not counting their stats or giving places in the fall FT class to them, just like JHU.

And look, I consider JHU a research powerhouse. That’s why I want them in the BTAA.

But I also don’t think putting the Ivies on a pedestal makes any sense. Let’s put aside HYP (though we know that Harvard also plays games with their admit stats with their Z list). But I don’t see why the other Ivies should receive any credit just because they’re in the same sports conference as HYP and teenagers love them. Furthermore, we know that both Columbia and Cornell play games with their admissions stats: Columbia by not counting a big chunk of their undergraduate student body (and we know that it’s far easier to get in to Columbia through SGS or the 3-2 program than through their regular fall admissions)–heck, Columbia doesn’t even publish a Common Data Set, which makes any numbers they put out too suspicious to trust in my view–the scuttlebutt is that their actual student-faculty ratios are much higher than those of peers; and Cornell by handing out a bunch of guaranteed transfers. Penn fills just as much of their incoming class through ED as NU and trails Northwestern in the academic success categories (PhD’s produced per capita and prestigious student awards won per capita). Finally, neither Dartmouth or Brown are close to Northwestern in research prowess.

Any more posts bickering about Northwestern, Ivies, Duke, etc. on this thread will be deleted and the posters severely warned or suspended. And if you think I am kidding try just one. It has gotten off topic, repetitive and tiresome. Not to mention that a couple of the claims were bizarre interpretations and stretched logic and reality beyond recognition. Those were deleted.

I’m looking for stats on Haverford, Reed, Colorado College and Bryn Mawr. Thanks!

Adding Wake Forest:

Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
University of Chicago EA/RD 2482 out of 31,411 (7.9%)(yield=66%)
Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
MIT EA 656 out of 7767 (8.4%) (4776 deferred=61.5%) (2175 rejected=28%)
Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
Olin College of Engineering RD 114 out of 1293 (8.8%)(Yield,85=74.6%)
Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
Claremont McKenna ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
Stanford REA 745 out of 7822 (9.5%)
Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
Tufts RD ~2168 out of 18152 (~11.9%)
Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
Georgetown EA 892 out of 7027 (12.7%) (remainder deferred=87%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College ED/RD (12.9%)
Notre Dame RD 1955 out of 14,178 (13.8%)
Carnegie Mellon University ED/RD ~5270 out of 37,247 (14.1%) (enrollment 1503=28.5% Yield)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Boston University ED2 ~245 out of 1721 (~14.2%)
Harvard SCEA 918 out of 6173 (14.9%) (4673 def=75.7%) (464 rej=7.5%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Barnard College ED/RD ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC RD 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Harvey Mudd ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
Yale SCEA 795 out of 4662 (17.1%) (53% def) (29% rej)
Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Princeton SCEA 785 out of 4229 (18.6%)
Middlebury College ED2 60 out of 318 (18.9%) (40 def=12.6%) (218 rej=68.6%)
Pomona ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Brown ED 669 out of 3030 (22.1%) (1905 def=62.9%) (456 rej=15.0%)
Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%) (200 ED acceptances)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Penn ED 1335 out of 5762 (23.2%)
Duke ED 813 out of 3455 (23.5%) (1663 def=19.2%)
Vanderbilt ED1/ED2 ~800 out of ~3390 (23.6%)
UVA EA (OOS) 2955 out of 12308 (24.0%) (3005 def=24.4%) (6348 rej=51.6%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Lehigh University ED/RD 3420 out of 13,408 (25.5%)
Skidmore College RD ~2200 out of 8608 (~25.6%)
Dartmouth ED 494 out of 1927 (25.6%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
Cornell ED 1338 out of 4882 (27.4%) (1153 def=23.6%) (2391 rej=49.0%)
Pitzer ED1/ED2 ~118 out of 423 (27.8%)
Wellesley ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
Lafayette ED/RD 2291 out of 8121 (28.2%)
Wake Forest University ED/RD 4019 out of 13860 (29.0%) (Yield,1310=32.6%)
Georgia Tech EA 4424 out of 14861 (29.8%)
Bowdoin ED2 ~77 out of 256 (~30.1%)
Notre Dame EA 1610 out of 5321 (30.3%) (818 def=15.4%) (2893 rej=54.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED 584 out of 1929 (30.3%)
Boston University ED1/ED2 ~1050 out of 3421 (~30.7%)
Boston College EA ~2700 out of 8600 (~31.4%)
Tufts ED ~663 out of 2070 (~32%)
Bowdoin College ED1 207 out of 614 (33.7%)
UNC EA 6948 out of 19842 (35.0%)
Northwestern ED 1061 out of 3022 (35.1%)
College of William & Mary ED/RD 5095 out of 14380 (35.4%)
Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
University of Florida RD 13,624 out of 32,000+ (~42.5%)
Dickinson ED1/ED2/EA/RD 2636 out of 6171 (42.7%)
Fordham ED/EA/RD ~19,650 out of 44,697 (~44%)
Occidental College ED/RD ~2884 out of 6409 (~45%)
Davidson College ED 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
Boston University ED1 ~805 out of 1700 (~47.4%)
Scripps ED 113 out of 235 (47.9%)
UVA EA (In-State) 2237 out of 4460 (50.2%) (1060 def=23.8%) (1163 rej=26.1%)
University of Georgia ED 7500+ out of 14516 (51%+)
Middlebury College ED1 338 out of 636 (53.1%) (74 def=11.6%) (224 rej=35.2%)
George Washington ED 841 out of 1373 (61.3%)
Skidmore ED1/ED2 ~337 out of 542 (~62.1%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)

A number of reported schools; h/t: Top Tier and College Kickstart and Washington Post.

Adding Macalester

Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
University of Chicago EA/RD 2482 out of 31,411 (7.9%)(yield=66%)
Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
MIT EA 656 out of 7767 (8.4%) (4776 deferred=61.5%) (2175 rejected=28%)
Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
Olin College of Engineering RD 114 out of 1293 (8.8%)(Yield,85=74.6%)
Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
Claremont McKenna ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
Stanford REA 745 out of 7822 (9.5%)
Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
Tufts RD ~2168 out of 18152 (~11.9%)
Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
Georgetown EA 892 out of 7027 (12.7%) (remainder deferred=87%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College ED/RD (12.9%)
Notre Dame RD 1955 out of 14,178 (13.8%)
Carnegie Mellon University ED/RD ~5270 out of 37,247 (14.1%) (enrollment 1503=28.5% Yield)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Boston University ED2 ~245 out of 1721 (~14.2%)
Harvard SCEA 918 out of 6173 (14.9%) (4673 def=75.7%) (464 rej=7.5%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Barnard College ED/RD ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC RD 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Harvey Mudd ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
Yale SCEA 795 out of 4662 (17.1%) (53% def) (29% rej)
Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Princeton SCEA 785 out of 4229 (18.6%)
Middlebury College ED2 60 out of 318 (18.9%) (40 def=12.6%) (218 rej=68.6%)
Pomona ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Brown ED 669 out of 3030 (22.1%) (1905 def=62.9%) (456 rej=15.0%)
Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%) (200 ED acceptances)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Penn ED 1335 out of 5762 (23.2%)
Duke ED 813 out of 3455 (23.5%) (1663 def=19.2%)
Vanderbilt ED1/ED2 ~800 out of ~3390 (23.6%)
UVA EA (OOS) 2955 out of 12308 (24.0%) (3005 def=24.4%) (6348 rej=51.6%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Lehigh University ED/RD 3420 out of 13,408 (25.5%)
Skidmore College RD ~2200 out of 8608 (~25.6%)
Dartmouth ED 494 out of 1927 (25.6%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
Cornell ED 1338 out of 4882 (27.4%) (1153 def=23.6%) (2391 rej=49.0%)
Pitzer ED1/ED2 ~118 out of 423 (27.8%)
Wellesley ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
Lafayette ED/RD 2291 out of 8121 (28.2%)
Wake Forest University ED/RD 4019 out of 13860 (29.0%) (Yield,1310=32.6%)
Georgia Tech EA 4424 out of 14861 (29.8%)
Bowdoin ED2 ~77 out of 256 (~30.1%)
Notre Dame EA 1610 out of 5321 (30.3%) (818 def=15.4%) (2893 rej=54.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED 584 out of 1929 (30.3%)
Boston University ED1/ED2 ~1050 out of 3421 (~30.7%)
Boston College EA ~2700 out of 8600 (~31.4%)
Tufts ED ~663 out of 2070 (~32%)
Bowdoin College ED1 207 out of 614 (33.7%)
UNC EA 6948 out of 19842 (35.0%)
Macalester College ED/RD 2081 out of 5946 (35%)
Northwestern ED 1061 out of 3022 (35.1%)
College of William & Mary ED/RD 5095 out of 14380 (35.4%)
Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
University of Florida RD 13,624 out of 32,000+ (~42.5%)
Dickinson ED1/ED2/EA/RD 2636 out of 6171 (42.7%)
Fordham ED/EA/RD ~19,650 out of 44,697 (~44%)
Occidental College ED/RD ~2884 out of 6409 (~45%)
Davidson College ED 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
Boston University ED1 ~805 out of 1700 (~47.4%)
Scripps ED 113 out of 235 (47.9%)
UVA EA (In-State) 2237 out of 4460 (50.2%) (1060 def=23.8%) (1163 rej=26.1%)
University of Georgia ED 7500+ out of 14516 (51%+)
Middlebury College ED1 338 out of 636 (53.1%) (74 def=11.6%) (224 rej=35.2%)
George Washington ED 841 out of 1373 (61.3%)
Skidmore ED1/ED2 ~337 out of 542 (~62.1%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)

The Washington Post listed a number of schools that were not previously captured at the end of this article:

Top Tier added NYU and Rice but did not source their info.

College Kickstart also listed school data here, in some cases citing the Washington Post article.

Adding American, Caltech, Davidson, Emory, University of Maryland, NYU, Rice, Smith, Wesleyan, and WUSTL:

Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
Caltech EA/RD 541 out of 6856 (7.9%)
University of Chicago EA/RD 2482 out of 31,411 (7.9%)(yield=66%)
Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
MIT EA 656 out of 7767 (8.4%) (4776 deferred=61.5%) (2175 rejected=28%)
Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
Olin College of Engineering RD 114 out of 1293 (8.8%)(Yield,85=74.6%)
Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
Claremont McKenna ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
Stanford REA 745 out of 7822 (9.5%)
Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
Tufts RD ~2168 out of 18152 (~11.9%)
Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
Georgetown EA 892 out of 7027 (12.7%) (remainder deferred=87%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College ED/RD (12.9%)
Notre Dame RD 1955 out of 14,178 (13.8%)
Carnegie Mellon University ED/RD ~5270 out of 37,247 (14.1%) (enrollment 1503=28.5% Yield)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Boston University ED2 ~245 out of 1721 (~14.2%)
Harvard SCEA 918 out of 6173 (14.9%) (4673 def=75.7%) (464 rej=7.5%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Washington University in St. Louis ED/RD 4729 out of 29197 (16.2%)
Barnard College ED/RD ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC RD 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Harvey Mudd ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
Rice University ED/RD 2581 out of 15414 (16.7%)
Yale SCEA 795 out of 4662 (17.1%) (53% def) (29% rej)
Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2200 out of 12026 (18.3%)
Princeton SCEA 785 out of 4229 (18.6%)
Middlebury College ED2 60 out of 318 (18.9%) (40 def=12.6%) (218 rej=68.6%)
Pomona ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Brown ED 669 out of 3030 (22.1%) (1905 def=62.9%) (456 rej=15.0%)
Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%) (200 ED acceptances)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Penn ED 1335 out of 5762 (23.2%)
Duke ED 813 out of 3455 (23.5%) (1663 def=19.2%)
Vanderbilt ED1/ED2 ~800 out of ~3390 (23.6%)
UVA EA (OOS) 2955 out of 12308 (24.0%) (3005 def=24.4%) (6348 rej=51.6%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Emory ED1/ED2/RD 4927 out of 19924 (24.7%)
Lehigh University ED/RD 3420 out of 13,408 (25.5%)
Skidmore College RD ~2200 out of 8608 (~25.6%)
Dartmouth ED 494 out of 1927 (25.6%)
American University ED1/ED2/RD 4969 out of 19334 (25.7%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
Cornell ED 1338 out of 4882 (27.4%) (1153 def=23.6%) (2391 rej=49.0%)
Pitzer ED1/ED2 ~118 out of 423 (27.8%)
Wellesley ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
Lafayette ED/RD 2291 out of 8121 (28.2%)
Wake Forest University ED/RD 4019 out of 13860 (29.0%) (Yield,1310=32.6%)
Georgia Tech EA 4424 out of 14861 (29.8%)
NYU RD 19000 out of 63702 (29.8%)
Bowdoin ED2 ~77 out of 256 (~30.1%)
Notre Dame EA 1610 out of 5321 (30.3%) (818 def=15.4%) (2893 rej=54.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED 584 out of 1929 (30.3%)
Boston University ED1/ED2 ~1050 out of 3421 (~30.7%)
Boston College EA ~2700 out of 8600 (~31.4%)
Tufts ED ~663 out of 2070 (~32%)
Bowdoin College ED1 207 out of 614 (33.7%)
UNC EA 6948 out of 19842 (35.0%)
Macalester College ED/RD 2081 out of 5946 (35%)
Northwestern ED 1061 out of 3022 (35.1%)
College of William & Mary ED/RD 5095 out of 14380 (35.4%)
Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)
Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
University of Florida RD 13,624 out of 32,000+ (~42.5%)
Dickinson ED1/ED2/EA/RD 2636 out of 6171 (42.7%)
Fordham ED/EA/RD ~19,650 out of 44,697 (~44%)
Occidental College ED/RD ~2884 out of 6409 (~45%)
Davidson College ED 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
Boston University ED1 ~805 out of 1700 (~47.4%)
Scripps ED 113 out of 235 (47.9%)
University of Maryland EA/RD 14569 out of 30289 (48.1%)
UVA EA (In-State) 2237 out of 4460 (50.2%) (1060 def=23.8%) (1163 rej=26.1%)
University of Georgia ED 7500+ out of 14516 (51%+)
Middlebury College ED1 338 out of 636 (53.1%) (74 def=11.6%) (224 rej=35.2%)
George Washington ED 841 out of 1373 (61.3%)
Skidmore ED1/ED2 ~337 out of 542 (~62.1%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)

More information from schools that have posted their 2020 Class profiles–

Adding Haverford and Union and supping information for Tufts and Vassar :

Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
Caltech EA/RD 541 out of 6856 (7.9%)
University of Chicago EA/RD 2482 out of 31,411 (7.9%)(yield=66%)
Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
MIT EA 656 out of 7767 (8.4%) (4776 deferred=61.5%) (2175 rejected=28%)
Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
Olin College of Engineering RD 114 out of 1293 (8.8%)(Yield,85=74.6%)
Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
Claremont McKenna ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
Stanford REA 745 out of 7822 (9.5%)
Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
Tufts RD 2168 out of 18152 (11.9%)b**
Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
Georgetown EA 892 out of 7027 (12.7%) (remainder deferred=87%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College ED/RD (12.9%)
Notre Dame RD 1955 out of 14,178 (13.8%)
Carnegie Mellon University ED/RD ~5270 out of 37,247 (14.1%) (enrollment 1503=28.5% Yield)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Boston University ED2 ~245 out of 1721 (~14.2%)
Harvard SCEA 918 out of 6173 (14.9%) (4673 def=75.7%) (464 rej=7.5%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Washington University in St. Louis ED/RD 4729 out of 29197 (16.2%)
Barnard College ED/RD ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC RD 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Harvey Mudd ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
Rice University ED/RD 2581 out of 15414 (16.7%)
Yale SCEA 795 out of 4662 (17.1%) (53% def) (29% rej)
Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2200 out of 12026 (18.3%)
Princeton SCEA 785 out of 4229 (18.6%)
Middlebury College ED2 60 out of 318 (18.9%) (40 def=12.6%) (218 rej=68.6%)
Pomona ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%) (Yield, 352=40.4%)
Brown ED 669 out of 3030 (22.1%) (1905 def=62.9%) (456 rej=15.0%)
Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%) (200 ED acceptances)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Penn ED 1335 out of 5762 (23.2%)
Duke ED 813 out of 3455 (23.5%) (1663 def=19.2%)
Vanderbilt ED1/ED2 ~800 out of ~3390 (23.6%)
UVA EA (OOS) 2955 out of 12308 (24.0%) (3005 def=24.4%) (6348 rej=51.6%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Emory ED1/ED2/RD 4927 out of 19924 (24.7%)
Lehigh University ED/RD 3420 out of 13,408 (25.5%)
Skidmore College RD ~2200 out of 8608 (~25.6%)
Dartmouth ED 494 out of 1927 (25.6%)
American University ED1/ED2/RD 4969 out of 19334 (25.7%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)b(Yield,644=33.1%)**
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
Cornell ED 1338 out of 4882 (27.4%) (1153 def=23.6%) (2391 rej=49.0%)
Pitzer ED1/ED2 ~118 out of 423 (27.8%)
Wellesley ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
Lafayette ED/RD 2291 out of 8121 (28.2%)
Wake Forest University ED/RD 4019 out of 13860 (29.0%) (Yield,1310=32.6%)
Georgia Tech EA 4424 out of 14861 (29.8%)
NYU RD 19000 out of 63702 (29.8%)
Bowdoin ED2 ~77 out of 256 (~30.1%)
Notre Dame EA 1610 out of 5321 (30.3%) (818 def=15.4%) (2893 rej=54.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED 584 out of 1929 (30.3%)
Boston University ED1/ED2 ~1050 out of 3421 (~30.7%)
Boston College EA ~2700 out of 8600 (~31.4%)
Tufts ED 663 out of 2070 (32%)
Bowdoin College ED1 207 out of 614 (33.7%)
UNC EA 6948 out of 19842 (35.0%)
Macalester College ED/RD 2081 out of 5946 (35%)
Northwestern ED 1061 out of 3022 (35.1%)
College of William & Mary ED/RD 5095 out of 14380 (35.4%)
Union College ED/RD 2400 out of 6637 (36.1%)(ED=228)(Yield,575=24%)
Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)
Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
University of Florida RD 13,624 out of 32,000+ (~42.5%)
Dickinson ED1/ED2/EA/RD 2636 out of 6171 (42.7%)
Fordham ED/EA/RD ~19,650 out of 44,697 (~44%)
Occidental College ED/RD ~2884 out of 6409 (~45%)
Davidson College ED 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
Boston University ED1 ~805 out of 1700 (~47.4%)
Scripps ED 113 out of 235 (47.9%)
University of Maryland EA/RD 14569 out of 30289 (48.1%)
UVA EA (In-State) 2237 out of 4460 (50.2%) (1060 def=23.8%) (1163 rej=26.1%)
University of Georgia ED 7500+ out of 14516 (51%+)
Middlebury College ED1 338 out of 636 (53.1%) (74 def=11.6%) (224 rej=35.2%)
George Washington ED 841 out of 1373 (61.3%)
Skidmore ED1/ED2 ~337 out of 542 (~62.1%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)

Lots of information from Colgate in their class profile:

Adding Colgate:

Harvard RD 1119 out of 32868 (3.4%)
Stanford RD 1318 out of 36175 (3.6%)
Yale RD 1177 out of 26793 (4.4%)
Princeton RD 1109 out of 25074 (4.4%) (1237 waitlisted=4.9%)(rej=90.6%)
Columbia ED/RD 2193 out of 36292 (6.0%)
Penn RD 2326 out of 33156 (7.0%)
MIT RD 829 out of 11253 (7.4%) (437 waitlisted)
Brown RD 2250 out of 29360 (7.7%)(~133 deferred accepted=7%)(~1000 waitlisted=3.4%)
Caltech EA/RD 541 out of 6856 (7.9%)
University of Chicago EA/RD 2482 out of 31,411 (7.9%)(yield=66%)
Pomona RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
Northwestern RD 2690 out of 32077 (8.4%)
MIT EA 656 out of 7767 (8.4%) (4776 deferred=61.5%) (2175 rejected=28%)
Duke RD 2501 out of 28600 (8.7%) (49 deferred accepted=2.9%)
Vanderbilt RD 2526 out of 28700 (8.8%)
Olin College of Engineering RD 114 out of 1293 (8.8%)(Yield,85=74.6%)
Dartmouth RD 1682 out of 18748 (9.0%)
Claremont McKenna ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
Stanford REA 745 out of 7822 (9.5%)
Johns Hopkins RD 2539 out of 25188 (10.1%)
Harvey Mudd RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
Bowdoin RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
Tufts RD 2168 out of 18152 (11.9%)(Yield, 1325=46.8%)
Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
Cornell RD 4939 out of 40084 (12.3%) (4572 waitlisted=11.4%)(rej=76.3%)
Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
Georgetown EA 892 out of 7027 (12.7%) (remainder deferred=87%)
UC Berkeley (OOS) 2734 out of 21213 (12.9%)
Pitzer College ED/RD (12.9%)
Notre Dame RD 1955 out of 14,178 (13.8%)
Carnegie Mellon University ED/RD ~5270 out of 37,247 (14.1%) (enrollment 1503=28.5% Yield)
Middlebury RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
Boston University ED2 ~245 out of 1721 (~14.2%)
Harvard SCEA 918 out of 6173 (14.9%) (4673 def=75.7%) (464 rej=7.5%)
Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
Washington University in St. Louis ED/RD 4729 out of 29197 (16.2%)
Barnard College ED/RD ~1131 out of 7071 (~16%)
Georgetown RD 3276 out of 20002 (16.4%)
USC RD 8920 out of 54100 (16.5%)
Harvey Mudd ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
Rice University ED/RD 2581 out of 15414 (16.7%)
Yale SCEA 795 out of 4662 (17.1%) (53% def) (29% rej)
Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
UC Berkeley (IS) 8363 out of 45,773 (18.3%)
Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2200 out of 12026 (18.3%)
Princeton SCEA 785 out of 4229 (18.6%)
Middlebury College ED2 60 out of 318 (18.9%) (40 def=12.6%) (218 rej=68.6%)
Pomona ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
Georgia Tech RD ~3206 out of 15,659 (~20.5%)
Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%) (Yield, 352=40.4%)
Brown ED 669 out of 3030 (22.1%) (1905 def=62.9%) (456 rej=15.0%)
Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%) (200 ED acceptances)
Scripps RD ~632 out of 2743 (23%)
Penn ED 1335 out of 5762 (23.2%)
Duke ED 813 out of 3455 (23.5%) (1663 def=19.2%)
Vanderbilt ED1/ED2 ~800 out of ~3390 (23.6%)
UVA EA (OOS) 2955 out of 12308 (24.0%) (3005 def=24.4%) (6348 rej=51.6%)
Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
Emory ED1/ED2/RD 4927 out of 19924 (24.7%)
Lehigh University ED/RD 3420 out of 13,408 (25.5%)
Skidmore College RD ~2200 out of 8608 (~25.6%)
Dartmouth ED 494 out of 1927 (25.6%)
American University ED1/ED2/RD 4969 out of 19334 (25.7%)
Kenyon College ED/RD 1688 out of ~6400 (~26.4%)
Colgate University RD 2034 out of 7642 (26.6%)(Yield,775=32.2%)
Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)(ED=253)(Yield,644=33.1%)
UVA RD (IS/OOS) 4166 out of 15658 (26.6%)
Cornell ED 1338 out of 4882 (27.4%) (1153 def=23.6%) (2391 rej=49.0%)
Pitzer ED1/ED2 ~118 out of 423 (27.8%)
Wellesley ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
Lafayette ED/RD 2291 out of 8121 (28.2%)
Wake Forest University ED/RD 4019 out of 13860 (29.0%) (Yield,1310=32.6%)
Georgia Tech EA 4424 out of 14861 (29.8%)
NYU RD 19000 out of 63702 (29.8%)
Bowdoin ED2 ~77 out of 256 (~30.1%)
Notre Dame EA 1610 out of 5321 (30.3%) (818 def=15.4%) (2893 rej=54.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED 584 out of 1929 (30.3%)
Boston University ED1/ED2 ~1050 out of 3421 (~30.7%)
Boston College EA ~2700 out of 8600 (~31.4%)
Tufts ED 663 out of 2070 (32%)
Bowdoin College ED1 207 out of 614 (33.7%)
UNC EA 6948 out of 19842 (35.0%)
Macalester College ED/RD 2081 out of 5946 (35%)
Northwestern ED 1061 out of 3022 (35.1%)
College of William & Mary ED/RD 5095 out of 14380 (35.4%)
Union College ED/RD 2400 out of 6637 (36.1%)(ED=228)(Yield,575=24%)
Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)
Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
George Washington RD 10101 out of 24168 (41.8%)
Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
University of Florida RD 13,624 out of 32,000+ (~42.5%)
Dickinson ED1/ED2/EA/RD 2636 out of 6171 (42.7%)
Fordham ED/EA/RD ~19,650 out of 44,697 (~44%)
Occidental College ED/RD ~2884 out of 6409 (~45%)
Davidson College ED 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
Boston University ED1 ~805 out of 1700 (~47.4%)
Scripps ED 113 out of 235 (47.9%)
University of Maryland EA/RD 14569 out of 30289 (48.1%)
Colgate University ED1/ED2 376 out of 752 (50%)(52 def=6.9%)(324 rej=43.1%)
UVA EA (In-State) 2237 out of 4460 (50.2%) (1060 def=23.8%) (1163 rej=26.1%)
University of Georgia ED 7500+ out of 14516 (51%+)
Middlebury College ED1 338 out of 636 (53.1%) (74 def=11.6%) (224 rej=35.2%)
George Washington ED 841 out of 1373 (61.3%)
Skidmore ED1/ED2 ~337 out of 542 (~62.1%)
University of Maine RD (OOS) 7803 out of 10,062 (77.5%)
University of Maine RD (In-state) 3600 out of 4134 (87.1%)

Filling out the LAC chart with data from Colgate, Davidson, Haverford, Smith, and Wesleyan:

*Ranked Admissions Data + Yield
Class of 2020: Top 20 Liberal Arts Colleges

Total Applications:**

1.Wesleyan 12,026
2.Colby College 9,822
3.Middlebury College 8,820
4.Amherst College 8,397
5.Colgate University 8,394
6.Pomona College 8,104
7.Swarthmore College 7,717
8.Grinnell College 7,368
9.Vassar College 7,306
10.Williams College 6,982
11.Bowdoin College 6,788
12.Carleton College 6,500
13.Claremont McKenna College 6,342
14.Davidson College 5,614
15.Hamilton College 5,434
16.Smith College 5,252
17.Wellesley College 4,888
18.Harvey Mudd College 4,180
19.Haverford College 4,067

RD Acceptance Rate:

1.Pomona College RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
2.Claremont McKenna College ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
3.Harvey Mudd College RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
4.Bowdoin College RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
5.Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
6.Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
7.Middlebury College RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
8.Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
9.Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
10.Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
11.Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2200 out of 12026 (18.3%)
12.Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
13.Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%)
14.Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%)
15.Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
16.Colgate University RD 2034 out of 7642 (26.6%)
17.Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
18.Wellesley College ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
19.Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)

Early Acceptance Rate:

1.Harvey Mudd College ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
2.Pomona College ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
3.Bowdoin College ED1/ED2 284 out of 870 (32.6%)
4.Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
5.Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
6.Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
7.Davidson College ED1 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
8.Colgate University ED1/ED2 376 out of 752 (50%)

Total Acceptance Rate:

1.Pomona College ED1/ED2/RD 743 out of 8104 (9.2%)
2.Claremont McKenna College ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
3.Harvey Mudd College ED1/ED2/RD 498 out of 4180 (11.9%)
4.Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7717 (12.5%)
5.Amherst College ED/RD 1149 out of 8397 (13.7%)
6.Bowdoin College ED1/ED2/RD 971 out of 6788 (14.3%)
7.Middlebury College ED1/ED2/RD 1440 out of 8820 (16.3%)
8.Williams College ED/RD 1206 out of 6982 (17.3%)
9.Colby College ED/RD 1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
10.Grinnell College ED/RD 1326 out of 7368 (18%)
11.Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2200 out of 12026 (18.3%)
12.Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
13.Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%)
14.Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD 1430 out of 6500 (22%)
15.Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
16.Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
17.Wellesley College ED/RD 1368 out of 4888 (28%)
18.Colgate University ED1/ED2/RD 2410 out of 8394 (28.7%)
19.Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)


1.Claremont McKenna College 58.1% (345)
2.Pomona College 55.2% (410)
3.Bowdoin College 51.5% (500)
4.Middlebury College 47.6% (685)
5.Williams College 45.6% (550)
6.Davidson 45.5% (500)
7.Swarthmore College 43.6% (420)
8.Wellesley College 43.5% (595)
9.Amherst College 41.1% (472)
10.Haverford College 40.4% (352)
11.Harvey Mudd College 40.2% (200)
12.Carleton College 37.3% (495)
13.Hamilton College 36.4% (480)
14.Wesleyan University 34.8% (765)
15.Vassar College 34.4% (668)
16.Grinnell College 33.2% (440)
17.Colgate University 32.2% (775)
18.Smith College 32% (625)
19.Colby College 28.2% (485)

*Excluding, for insufficient data: US Naval Academy, Washington & Lee.

Wesleyan’s RD rate is 16% (11029 applicants; 1717 acceptances)
ED rate 38% (1001 applicants; 383 acceptances)
Total applicants 12030; 2100 acceptances (as of May); Total acceptance rate: 17%

Filling out the LAC chart with data handed out by Wesleyan admissions office during admitted students weekend:

Ranked Admissions Data + Yield
Class of 2020: Top 20 Liberal Arts Colleges*

Total Applications:

1.Wesleyan 12,030
2.Colby College 9,822
3.Middlebury College 8,820
4.Amherst College 8,397
5.Colgate University 8,394
6.Pomona College 8,104
7.Swarthmore College 7,717
8.Grinnell College 7,368
9.Vassar College 7,306
10.Williams College 6,982
11.Bowdoin College 6,788
12.Carleton College 6,500
13.Claremont McKenna College 6,342
14.Davidson College 5,614
15.Hamilton College 5,434
16.Smith College 5,252
17.Wellesley College 4,888
18.Harvey Mudd College 4,180
19.Haverford College 4,067

RD Acceptance Rate:

1.Pomona College RD ~566 out of 7190 (~7.9%)
2.Claremont McKenna College ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
3.Harvey Mudd College RD 421 out of 3716 (11.3%)
4.Bowdoin College RD 687 out of 5918 (11.6%)
5.Amherst College RD 969 out of 7943 (12.2%)
6.Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7,717 (12.5%)
7.Middlebury College RD 1042 out of 7866 (14.2%)
8.Williams College RD 960 out of 6397 (15.0%)
9.Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 1717 out of 11029 (16%)
10.Colby College ED/RD ~1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
11.Grinnell College ED/RD ~1326 out of 7368 (~18%)
12.Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
13.Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%)
14.Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD ~1430 out of ~6500 (~22%)
15.Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
16.Colgate University RD 2034 out of 7642 (26.6%)
17.Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
18.Wellesley College ED/RD ~1368 out of 4888 (~28%)
19.Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)

Early Acceptance Rate:

1.Harvey Mudd College ED1/ED2 ~77 out of 464 (16.6%)
2.Pomona College ED1/ED2 ~177 out of 914 (19.4%)
3.Bowdoin College ED1/ED2 284 out of 870 (32.6%)
4.Wesleyan University ED1/ED2 383 out of 1001 (38%)
5.Amherst College ED 180 out of 454 (39.6%)
6.Middlebury College ED1/ED2 398 out of 954 (41.7%)
7.Williams College ED 246 out of 585 (42.1%)
8.Davidson College ED1 207 out of 458 (45.2%)
9.Colgate University ED1/ED2 376 out of 752 (50%)

Total Acceptance Rate:

1.Pomona College ED1/ED2/RD 743 out of 8104 (9.2%)
2.Claremont McKenna College ED1/ED2/RD 594 out of 6342 (9.4%)
3.Harvey Mudd College ED1/ED2/RD 498 out of 4180 (11.9%)
4.Swarthmore College ED/RD 963 out of 7717 (12.5%)
5.Amherst College ED/RD 1149 out of 8397 (13.7%)
6.Bowdoin College ED1/ED2/RD 971 out of 6788 (14.3%)
7.Middlebury College ED1/ED2/RD 1440 out of 8820 (16.3%)
8.Williams College ED/RD 1206 out of 6982 (17.3%)
9.Wesleyan University ED1/ED2/RD 2100 out of 12030 (17.4%)
10.Colby College ED/RD 1720 out of 9822 (17.5%)
11.Grinnell College ED/RD 1326 out of 7368 (18%)
12.Davidson College ED1/ED2/RD 1100 out of 5614 (19.6%)
13.Haverford College ED/RD 871 out of 4067 (21.4%)
14.Carleton College ED1/ED2/RD 1430 out of 6500 (22%)
15.Hamilton College ED/RD 1317 out of 5434 (24.2%)
16.Vassar College ED1/ED2/RD 1943 out of 7306 (26.6%)
17.Wellesley College ED/RD 1368 out of 4888 (28%)
18.Colgate University ED1/ED2/RD 2410 out of 8394 (28.7%)
19.Smith College ED1/ED2/RD 1955 out of 5252 (37.2%)


1.Claremont McKenna College 58.1% (345)
2.Pomona College 55.2% (410)
3.Bowdoin College 51.5% (500)
4.Middlebury College 47.6% (685)
5.Williams College 45.6% (550)
6.Davidson 45.5% (500)
7.Swarthmore College 43.6% (420)
8.Wellesley College 43.5% (595)
9.Amherst College 41.1% (472)
10.Haverford College 40.4% (352)
11.Harvey Mudd College 40.2% (200)
12.Carleton College 37.3% (495)
13.Hamilton College 36.4% (480)
14.Wesleyan University 36.4% (765)
15.Vassar College 34.4% (668)
16.Grinnell College 33.2% (440)
17.Colgate University 32.2% (775)
18.Smith College 32% (625)
19.Colby College 28.2% (485)

*Excluding, for insufficient data: US Naval Academy, Washington & Lee.

American University is 70% when ED, I asked the admissions director when I visited. Also what is the ED % for Emory and Oxford College of Emory?