College Algebra or Survey of Calculus (Business Calculus)?

Okay, so I’m planning on becoming a business major and they say I can either take College Algebra (MTH 122) or Survey of Calculus (MTH 125) which apparently is the same as Business Calculus.
I’m debating on the two because I aced Algebra 2 in HS and I heard that it’s the same as MTH 122, but I hated trig. Absolutely hated it, but was really good at it. I tested out of MTH 122, but by one point. I’m stuck however because I didn’t know if it is really essential to have Business Calculus knowledge going into the business major or not.

Without the basis of how easy the professor is because both classes have easy professors, which one should I take my freshman year of college?
Also, does Business Calc/Survey of Calc have trig?
And will it’s material be needed for future classes, because if it isn’t, than I’m thinking I’ll just stick with College Algebra because it’s what I’m good at.

When I say I “tested out of MTH 122”, I mean I took a placement test that says I can take any course that has MTH 122 as a prereq.

Is the business school telling you you can take either of those or the university gen ed requirements? When I applied to the MBA program many years ago they required business calc and since I didn’t take it as an undergrad I had to take it before applying. I recognize you are talking about an undergrad program, but you should check on classes you might want to take in the future and see if it matters for them. I suspect the business program prefers calc, especially if you want some of the more math-oriented classes.

I have a Business Degree and I thought Survey of Calculus was a waste of my time. If you are good in Algebra I would stick with that. You will never use this info for your job. I also had to take Decision math also which I learned how to do matrices and other math types I have never seen before. I really did not have much choices in math but I had to take them.

Survey of Calculus is not business calculus, it is the fundamentals and concepts of calculus. Google the definition.