I keep hearing that the school discipline and town police, dean’s office are crazy strict, unusual. Debating applying here or UMaryland(my home state). Like UMass but keep hearing that they make arrests and citations constantly over minor infractions. I prefer UMass but do not want any trouble. Good student, never been in trouble.
Where do you get the impression that UMass is run by the Gestapo? If you stay out of trouble and don’t do anything stupid, you will have NOTHING to worry about.
I got the idea by reading online the local newspapers and the code of conduct, the number of arrests for minor violations vs. other schools of that size(eve College Park). Also, I know that I will be responsible if I am in a room socializing, not drinking and maybe someone else is. That is how the policy reads and it makes me feel like I have to really watch out. I am not even a party person but I am sure I do not want to get into any trouble. Actually because I like the Amherst area so much, after visiting, I will be focusing on other schools in that area. Thx. for your info though.