College Board Focus Group

<p>Did anyone receive an invite from college board to join a focus group? My D received an email yesterday, "Because you did such a great job on the PSAT/NMSQT®, we have a special request for you: We'd like you to participate in a groundbreaking study that will help us create new academic opportunities for students in your community. We want you to share your experiences and opinions with us so that we can better understand how to help gifted African American high school students across the country."</p>

<p>D did okay on the PSAT last year and she hasn't received her scores this year. I'm curious to see if anyone else received this.</p>

<p>YES, my daughter also received the same email.</p>

<p>Is your daughter a junior? My D took the PSAT last year as a Sophomore. She hasn’t received her scores for this year. I was just wondering how many people this email went out to.</p>

<p>Yes my daughter just received that; she is a senior now. I think her junior year PSAT was 190. D missed the cut off for semifinalist --made it for Outstanding Participant (National Achievement). Her work out partner in volleyball also got it but D. says she did not make any cutoffs…thinks she scored, however, in the high 180s as her SATs are high enough that the school supported her apps to Yale and Bowdoin.</p>

<p>@washdcmom, the cutoff a in MD and DC are outrageous. My D hasn’t received her jr. score
yet so hopefully this is a good sign of a good score.</p>

<p>Since washdcmom’s daughter received the email as a senior, it appears that it must be based off of last years PSAT, not this years. </p>

<p>No email to my S, but he didn’t take the PSAT as a sophomore.</p>

The National Achievement cutoffs in this DC/Maryland area I was told this season was 200…hilarious…pretty much equivalent to a National Merit Semi Finalist score in Arkansas or Wyoming… rofl (actually…apparently in 2004 it was 201 to be a MERIT semi finalist in those 2 states–I just checked for this year it’s now 203)</p>

<p>washdcmom, I’m not a fan of this testing process. The PSAT scores were not on our radar until my D received that email. You receive your scores in Dec. but then you wait until Oct. to see if you are a SF. </p>

<p>Yes, the MD/DC cutoffs are outrageous. I think it’s worse for DC because it’s based on the private school cutoff, correct? Good luck to your D in her college app process.</p>

<p>Thank u CookieMonster…u 2! And yes it’s because of the private schools. D attends a private school, the same one that S. attended. The average SAT there is 1960. His was 2130 (oe sitting), hers 1980 (one sitting) and she’s taking it again. Half the students in DC public high schools do not even graduate. Huge chasm…</p>

<p>Yes, my son received one as well. He’s a senior.</p>