College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

I just got this email. My son applied in early May and I’m pretty sure he got verification, but this made me nervous that maybe his application didn’t go through properly. Just seeing if anyone else got this/if this goes out to everyone. Thanks!

Last Chance for ____ to Apply for National Recognition

Hi ____,

The deadline to apply for the College Board National Recognition Programs is this Wednesday, June 15, at 8 p.m. ET.

Your teen qualifies to apply based on their performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exam. If they currently have a 3.5 GPA or higher and identify as African American or Black, Hispanic or Latinx, Indigenous, or attend school in a rural or small town, we encourage them to apply for this academic honor as soon as possible. They must identify with at least one of the four groups listed above to be eligible.

Your teen qualifies to apply for at least one of the following awards:
• National African American Recognition Award

• National Hispanic Recognition Award
• National Indigenous Recognition Award
• National Rural and Small Town Recognition Award
The Wednesday, June 15, 8 p.m. ET, deadline is two days away, so if your teen hasn’t applied yet, please encourage them to submit their application before it’s too late.


Maybe the counselors at their schools verify GPA?

Quick question for anyone with knowledge of this program. I know little about it. My son received an invitation to apply for NHRP back in April, which he did. Does this mean he MADE the PSAT score cutoff and will receive the recognition this fall (assuming his scores and GPA are verified), or simply that he was invited to APPLY but may still not meet the cutoff score? (He is a junior and does not qualify based on his AP exams alone.) TIA!

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I’ve yet to hear of someone getting that invite and NOT being selected. So if he meets that GPA I’d not sweat it.

Curious if anyone else on here has heard of someone not making it in after getting the application invite…


Great news. Sounds like a potentially impactful award/recognition to include on their college apps. Congrats to all!

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I was not previously aware of this website. It explains the CBNR program and here is a consolidated list of Universities that offer scholarships for National Recognition recipients:


Did anyone get prompted to submit the transcript when you filled out the “application”? We did not. Thanks!

We did not either.

Thanks. So did you send it? If so where to? Thanks again.

No, we did not. I can’t say we saw a place to send it… did anyone else?

We never saw any way to send transcripts in, just crossing fingers that it will come through.

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Looks like Alabama made the NRP awards competitive? Now one has to apply and not automatic. Is this new? I do not recollect seeing this before.

I suppose you would want to call UA to make sure, but the way that I am reading the relevant page on their website is that the overall/UA-specific ‘Diversity Scholarships’ from the university are competitive and require a scholarship application.

But then under the second main heading on that same page, “National Recognition Scholarship Package” it says that NRP students who meet the admissions deadline “will be selected…”.

So based on that, it seems they are saying:

  1. we invite you to apply for UA diversity scholarships
  2. And if you are NRP, you WILL be selected for that award, and here is what you get.

(BTW I agree that there COULD be a change coming and maybe just a sloppily edited webpage. Only way to know for sure will be to ask someone at UA who is looped in on the scholarship programs.)


i just dont think any schools have their class of 2023 scholarships rules yet. anyone seen any yet? i know things can change; like ASU’s changes. fingers crossed UofAZ doesnt change much; although somewhere on this board this last year someone said the admissions officer said changes were coming this year. . . . anyways . . if you see updated info, post away!


Anyone here have updates on HSF? Just curious how everything worked out for those applying, or if you are still waiting to hear.

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Looks like South Carolina is no longer offering set aside scholarships to NRP winners. :frowning:

Daughter was selected as a scholar, but put on the wait list for $. And now there are more steps.

Just uploaded financial aid statement from university, and then in the fall they will want another bit of paperwork. (I forget what). And then I guess at year end scholars are formalized. (Meaning, no access to the non-$ benefits until sometime in 2023 is my interpretation.)

A lot of procedural hoops, and the confusing website doesn’t help, but she is grateful and persevering.


Daughter was selected as a scholar and was selected as a scholarship recipient, but we won’t know how much until the fall. Uploaded the financial aid letter (FAAL) and info a few weeks ago. The letter says award will range between $500 and $5000 based on financial need, so we aren’t really expecting much, but still happy to have received it. I think there is a verification of enrollment in September, which is the final step. Any money awarded will come sometime in the spring term. There are 4 Scholar Celebrations, but my daughter has schedule conflicts this entire month, so unable to attend any of them, and also unable to attend the virtual celebration because of conflicts, which is a little disappointing.

@joelatte - I haven’t looked too much into the non-$ benefits yet, but I think those who are on the waiting list can participate in any of those benefits now. Waiting list scholars were invited to the Scholar Celebrations, and from what somebody posted, the letter seemed fairly identically worded, except for the sentence about the scholarship.


My son was selected as a scholar but he is unsure of the amount he will receive. He told me they will look at his financial award from the school he will be attending and he received a near full ride so not expecting much.


Alabama updated scholarships for 2023 and it looks like they will have the same package with full tuition for 4 years, 1k/yr supplement and 1 yr housing!