College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

im going to bama fall 2022 on the scholarship. theres not a separate app for it. if i remember correctly you just have to send the certificate you got emailed for nhrp. im pretty sure its guaranteed


Have the results for class of 2023 scholars come out. I have seen several people on this thread say they were selected, but I haven’t heard anything for college board.

I believe official notices for college board scholars (like National Hispanic Merit Scholar) go out in an email at the end of August or early September.

National Merit Semi-Finalists (totoally separate thing) don’t hear back until April, I think, if they applied for NMF.

My Daughter class 23, got her CBRP as a hispanic scholar with her Sophmore Psat score, but with her Junior Psat she did not recieve an invitation. I contacted college board and they said that students only receive the recognition once. Has this been the case for someone here? My eldest D was class of 21 and got a lot of recruitment letters due to the CBRP but she received her recognition before things changed when you could only get it with the junior psat, but it’s different for my D23. I’m wondering if it’s because colleges are only looking at Juniors receiving the recognition and those students that received it before are falling through the cracks for recruitment… any thoughts or experience?

Colleges will look at all students who recevie the award whether they receive it sophomore or junior year. Once they earn it, they have it. It doesn’t matter which year they earn it.


@David_D I suspect you are referring to the people who said they (or their kids) were selected for HSF Scholars a few weeks ago. Somebody asked if there were any updates on that, and some of us replied what the status was, since results came out in July. That is completely different and separate process from CB NHRP. But there is eligibility overlap, so questions come up. CB NRP results should come out around August 31 or September 1.


I got same reply for more daughter. They only award it once, even if you qualify twice

Alabama has updated their website and the amounts did not change!! Great news.


I spoke with Alabama in person this summer and again over the phone. Once you are accepted you will need to e-mail the certificate to admissions so they can process it.


A little commenting on Alabama but yes my S had full ride, admitted to honors etc but sadly turned it down. Alabama just simply scary. But this is why the school tries that hard to get great students particularly minorities. They don’t want to go there. But indeed there are plenty of OOS students and kids find their people.


We had a little chat with our son yesterday. He said that he was not interested in schools in the southwest and deep south. His reasoning was that even if the campus was safe, he would need to go out and make his way around the town and the state. Maybe find a job, internship, socialize and such. He is not worried about overt racism or any such thing. However, he feels that his worldview would be very different than that of many people in those states. He has not ruled out Florida schools or the mid-west. He has also ruled out NY/NYC, PHL and Chicagoland. Maybe he will come around and change his stance but for now, those schools are off the table.


He might want to rethink Florida these days… at least public schools. Private schools won’t be as bound by the constant new welcome to the 1940s laws imposed by the guv. Florida is pretty deep south these days. Not sure why if he doesn’t want to go to school in the south, he is ruling out NY, NYC, Philly and Chicago. I am assuming different reasons.

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My son is very hesitant to attend college in a red state. However, he really loves 3 private schools in Florida: Rollins (near Orlando) Nova Southeastern (Fort Lauderdale) & Barry (Miami.) FSU and Barry are Hispanic Serving Institutions (more than 25% Hispanic) and Rollins is an emerging HSI, meaning very close to that percentage. All are very diverse and he especially loved the Miami area where everyone speaks Spanish (he looks at that as a bonus education where he can practice his Spanish skills.) I think he has ruled out any public colleges in Florida, as it is clear the governor is TRYING to influence programs and teaching (whether he is successful is an unknown at this point.) There is potential for decent merit at all 3 schools so I’m fine with him applying, although we are from NY so a SUNY has many perks too.


My D just got the email. Two for two. Thank goodness. She did not study much. My son did study supper hard nearly perfect in math. Good luck everyone.


My son just received the official email at 2pm EST :blush: It says to include this in his college applications, but it’s not really an “activity” so hopefully there is a spot for awards/honors on the common application. Or maybe he can put on his resume and attach it. Can’t recall how it’s set up. We were expecting this since he was invited to apply, but exciting to get the official word!


My son received it at the same time as well. Yes there is a section for awards on the common ap. Congrats all!


Congrats, yes there are areas for honors

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Perfect-thank you!

My son got the offical email too… I agree, we know it’s coming but to have it signed, sealed and delivered makes it more exciting!

Good job and congrats to all the kids getting this email today!


Does the school get an email letting them know too?

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