College choice.......UCs....plz help me out

<p>I know a lot of people have alrdy asked this but i want to concentrate on some specifics…
UCD…UCI…UCSD?..for Comp Science UnderGrad</p>

<p>Is UCD better than UCI in comp science undergrad…
I heard there isnt much diff…so how about factors such as city life?..parties?..( is UCI really a commuter school?)
Which college has more software companies near to it ?..(so it will be easier to get internship or part time job in my own profession)</p>

<p>Just in case I am able to get into UCSD…is it better than both UCD and UCI?
How hard would it be for me to change my major from Chemical eng. to Comp Science at UCSD?..</p>

<p>Please help me out…I really need to figure this out…</p>

<p>Thank you…</p>

<p>I think it goes according to computer science..</p>


<p>I am not sure about the oppurtunities or the environment for each college.</p>

<p>A few near UCD
there are virtully thousands of other companies to offer great work and internship experiences. UCD has the top internship program in the nation.</p>

<p>I think UCSD stands out among those three for Comp Sci.</p>

<p>UCSD is the best of those three.</p>

<p>UCD is closest of those three to Silicon Valley and pretty nice too.</p>

<p>UCI is about the same as UCD in ranking.</p>