<p>I'm going to steal the car, really Hal.</p>
<p>I'm gonna fail the bar, bloody hell.</p>
<p>I'm going to hail a car, bloody cab.</p>
<p>Its hailing bloody cats!</p>
<p>Im failing holy stats!</p>
<p>I'm sailing over straits.</p>
<p>I'm selling extra, Nate!</p>
<p>I'm really effing straight. Also I ****ed your mother.</p>
<p>I'm really extra great</p>
<p>I reached for it, ingrate!</p>
<p>I can't reach the gate!</p>
<p>I can't teach debate!</p>
<p>I shall not be late.</p>
<p>I shall not eat cake.</p>
<p>I knocked over cake.</p>
<p>I hope I over-chafe.</p>
<p>Chef Boyardee</p>
<p>Iron Chef is on right now.</p>
<p>I won a bong right now</p>
<p>I'm bowling right now.</p>