<p>S is involved in Forensics and Debate in high school and is interested in continuing with college-level debate.
Does anyone know which colleges have good debate programs?
George Mason
Ohio University
<p>What style does your son do / want to do in college? I’m not familiar with the college policy scene, but if he wants to do [url=<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_debate]parliamentary[/url”>Parliamentary style debate - Wikipedia]parliamentary[/url</a>], I can be of more help.</p>
<p>If your son does policy debate, these schools may be ones to consider: Northwestern, Harvard, Emory, Dartmouth, Berkeley, USC, Wake Forest, Kansas, Gonzaga, Whitman, Georgia, Oklahoma, Michigan, Michigan State. There are many, many more solid programs but that is a good starting point.</p>
<p>catfish-what schools do you recommend for parli? i’m interested in doing parli in college</p>
<p>To the OP:</p>
<p>Rice has a really good debate program as well. Rice has finished fifth in the nation in a debate championship during the 2007-08 school year. Here’s a link to the website: [Speech</a> & Debate: Home](<a href=“http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~forensic/]Speech”>http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~forensic/).</p>
<p>This is a bit of a threadjack, so if you aren’t interested in college parli, feel free to skip.</p>
<p>dgoat, that depends which league you want to compete on. There are two major parliamentary leagues, the National Parliamentary Debate Association ([NPDA](<a href=“http://www.parlidebate.org%5DNPDA%5B/url%5D”>http://www.parlidebate.org)</a>) and the American Parliamentary Debate Association (APDA). The NPDA site has a pretty good summary of the differences:</p>
<p>I would only caveat that in APDA, links to the resolution have become so loose over time that links are no longer expected and (excepting a few specific tournaments) resolutions are no longer given. Basically, that means that on APDA, you can run a case about whatever you want, as long as it meets a couple criteria of debate-ability. You can watch videos of both styles at parlidebate.com</p>
<p>I know no more about good NPDA schools than what I’ve gleaned from the website, so you’re on your own there. I debate on APDA, though, so I can be of more help there. You can find a listing of APDA schools [url=<a href=“http://www.apdaweb.org/contacts]here[/url”>http://www.apdaweb.org/contacts]here[/url</a>]. A good place to start your search would be last year’s top 10 clubs of the year, which were Yale, Johns Hopkins, Boston University, Princeton, MIT, William and Mary, Harvard, Amherst, George Washington, and Brandeis.</p>
<p>Feel free to PM me if you have more questions</p>