College drinking - old topic new study

<p>College women may be drinking to excess to impress their male counterparts on campuses across the country, but a new study suggests most college men are not looking for a woman to match them drink for drink. APA</a> Press Release: When It Comes to Drinking, College Men Not Looking For a 'Girl Gone Wild'</p>


<p>It probably would have been of more real-world use if they had surveyed men on the topic of how much binge drinking women will tolerate from men. Drinking to impress (somebody?) appears to be even more prevalent among college males.</p>

<p>It's correlational so not very useful. </p>

<p>They are selling their results on the spin that if women think it's sexy and attractive to men, they'll drink more. But an as likely explanation is that women who engage in a behavior frequently will also report that behavior is desirable. Thus women who drink a lot will also rationalize its sexy and attractive. Or an equally likely explanation is those that report something as desirable will also report doing that desirable behavior more. Both of these alternative explanations are already well supported from years of research. </p>

<p>They did nothing to assess actual motivations or direction of causality.</p>