College math

<p>I will be attending Virginia tech this fall; however, math has always been my weakest subject in high school. what are some ways I can make it through math with decent grades in college? My major is political science.</p>

<p>Sent from my EVO using CC</p>

<p>Math was my weakest subject as well in high school. I majored in Comm at VT and ended up only having to take 1 semester of math. Comm requires 6 credits of math (2 courses), but they have a system where you can get credit for one session (Math 1015) as long as you get a C+ or better in the other (Math 1016). I was able to knock out my math requirement in one semester.</p>

<p>This (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;) is the checksheet for the class of 2014, but on page 3, area 5 you’ll see the requirement for Math for PoliSci. It suggests you do MATH 1015 and STAT 2004, but they may allow you to do the scenario I suggested above. </p>

<p>Also, most Math 1015/1016 courses are self-taught (tutoring available) at the math emporium via computer. They may have some in-class sessions, but I was able to get a B fairly easy in my self-taught session even though math is my worst area.</p>