College Plagiarism

A few months ago a girl asked me to use my essay as an example for her because she didn’t know what to write. Stupidly I emailed her a copy of it not even thinking about it trusting that she was using it for an example only. She ended up submitting it word for word without telling me and I just got an email that I have a meeting with the dean. I know this was so stupid of me but I really didn’t know she was going to turn it in! I’m so nervous right now am I going to get kicked out please someone help me!

Will the girl back you up on your story?

All you can do is be honest

Be honest and if what you say is true, you have an email chain with her request and you sending your essay as some support. I believe that you should also be abe to show that you are the the original owner of the essay in the properties section with time stamps of when it was drafted. You still shared your work and may have consequences. Important life lessons as things like this happen in the work world frequently. Hang in there.

I talked to her and she said she didn’t want to get me in trouble but I’m just nervous she will say something to lessen her fault so it could go either way!

I don’t have any emails of her asking me because it was in person but I have my original draft and turn in date (which was a month before hers) I’m not so worried that they will think I copied but more that they thought my intent was to help et cheat!

I really think if you tell the truth you will be fine…that she asked for an example and we’re willing to help her out that way but you certainly did not expect or intend for her to hand in your her own. Let them know that if she was homest about her intention to copy your work you would never have given her the essay.

The reality is that NO ONE EVER needs to borrow your work as an example. There are ample generic examples online. She could have asked the professor for an example from last year.

Anytime anyone asks to borrow your work, you can assume they want to copy it.

Lesson learned.

I’m not sure I believe that she’ll back up your story. She’s already proven that she’s not trustworthy. So be prepared to be thrown under a bus. I hope she’ll be honorable, but you have to be prepared for the worst here.

Good luck… let us know how it turns out.

My meeting is Friday I’ll let you know how it goes!

Hey everyone! I had my meeting and she decided to dismiss it with a warning! Thanks for everyone’s help

Oh, I’m so glad for you!!