College response to terrorism in Israel

One would think, but as far as I know Fordham is the only school that has refused to recognize the SJP as a student organization on their campus.

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Kudos to Fordham. That confirms what I said before, that private Catholic Universities are not afraid to ban antisemitism on campus and agree that Hamas is a terrorist organization.


This is heartbreaking. I’m sickened and saddened. Brandeis was founded to be a refuge for Jews. No longer. In the name of “diversity” and “inclusiveness” it has now lost its reason for being.

It is so pathetic that students these days can’t even agree to condemn a terrorist organization! I feel sorry for people who think that they can negotiate with terrorists. Why did not they try it with ISIS, Iran, or the Taliban? Why do they think that Hamas is any different? Do people ever learn? Just because they think or hope that other people will act like them (young idealists), the world will not change with the movement of the magic wand.


And because of it keeps ending up at the bottom of the FIRE college free speech rankings

As far as I know Harvard is at the bottom of that FIRE too.
Frankly, who cares about FIRE
 Most students look at totally different rankings. I had no idea it even existed until visiting CC.


Brandeis parent here. Just wanted to weigh in to say that my Jewish kid has felt completely safe and supported at Brandeis since the October 7th attacks. According to my daughter, the “resolution” was a big nothing on campus and was just the action of a handful of kids who nobody pays attention to anyway. The school shut it down immediately and made the student union change their tune in a matter of hours and reject Hamas. I am theoretically supportive of Brandeis defunding its SJP group, but in practical terms I am worried that it will bring more attention to the campus and make our kids less safe.


Are you serious? Sensationalized? Jewish students and faculty across the country are TERRIFIED from harrassment, threats, and intimidation. – and outright assault.
–A Jewish medical student in Chicago was assaulted by an enraged Muslim student in class.
–At Harvard, numerous pro Hamas protestors surrounded a Jewish student and wouldn’t let him pass while he was walking to call in Harvard yard.
–At Tulane, a Jewish student was assaulted by masked pro Hamas supporters waving a Palestinan flag as they drove in an pick-up truck, ISIS-style.
–At Penn, direct, personal threats were sent to Jewish faculty.
–At UMass, a Jewish student was violently asaulted by Turkish Muslin student. He was arrested and let free on $250 (not a typo) bail. The attacker’s lawyer is a PROFESSOR at UMass.
–Cooper Union Jewish students in the library were surrounded by Hamas supporters outside banging on the windows (and not to say hi).
– And this at Yale. Jewish Students Meet Hostility at Yale - WSJ


You might feel better if you read some of the details and context other posters have offered of some of these events. There have been incidents of violence affecting both Jewish and Muslim students, but some of these incidents have not been quite as initially reported by some press accounts.
Of course, any incidents are concerning ( and deplorable), and calm investigation is warranted into each.


Your reply infuriates me. That’s what the Christian neighbors said to my family who were deported to Birkenau. “Oh, it’s not so bad. Just keep your head down and you’ll be alright.”

None of these incidents needs to be contextualized. The climate for Jewish students on campus is not OK.


Regarding this incident:

Could it be the one described here: College response to terrorism in Israel - #369 by hebegebe


It serves no purpose to inflame emotions by absurd analogies or sensationalizing events. We can calmly wait for the police and law enforcement authorities to do their jobs and investigate each event and then see how school officials or public officials respond based upon the investigation.

To do otherwise leads to a rush of judgment which may be based on incomplete or inaccurate facts and reduces your credibility.

There is a self-identified Jewish publication called " Forward" ( I am not otherwise familiar with it) which published an article interviewing Jewish students on 12 campuses which I found interesting and balanced. I will try to link it.

Edited to add-I found it:

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Yes - the ones I was referring to (incl. some on your list).

I invite you to read through the past posts in this thread to understand the context of my statement before launching generalized verbal attacks.

But first they need to have actually occurred the way tabloid headlines intend to make you assume.


Hard to “surround” someone from ONE side?

Safety marshals wouldn’t let a person (who later turned out to be Jewish) take pictures of students (allegedly by him stepping near/over some laying on the ground), finally having to hold up keffiyehs to block his camera and also separate him from the protestors.


As I have pointed out, this story was flat out false. Please review the actual overhead video of what this student, who did not identify himself as Jewish, did beforehand. And then compare it to the false story that was reported to the media.

Here is the link to the post with the relevant video:


Can you share a link to a copy of the Resolution that was rejected by the student senate at Brandeis ?

Don’t you find it odd that none of the Jewish newspapers reporting the Resolution’s failure include the text of the Resolution ?

Concerning because some of the incidents listed in this thread seem to be exaggerated and reported out of context.

Thank you.


This article from the student newspaper contains a link to the statement the Brandeis Student Union did in fact approve-it is published on instagram, so I couldn’t provide just the statement, but easy to follow the link. It also explains why some student reps ( including Jewish ones) objected to the initial proposed statement. It provides helpful context.


As an aside, I have been really impressed with the work student reporters have been doing on many of these campuses-the student newspapers I have seen appear to strive for balance and objectivity and have done a better job than some commercial papers. I am sure it is a hard time to be an editor but they are really showing great maturity and thoughtfulness.


I guess I don’t understand the need to blame the Jewish student here. It is not illegal to film the students who are protesting in public. Or to post their photos to social media if he wanted. They were lying down in a common area, stepping around them (no one has alleged he stepped ON anyone) is also not illegal. I don’t even see anything to criticize here.

On the whole, I still think that their treatment of him had significantly worse optics than his treatment of them.

It’s just another example of people blaming a Jew for provoking a reaction. I have literally seen antisemites blame people putting up hostage posters solely into provoking them to being torn down, so the tearer can be cancelled.

Frankly I think there is plenty of blame to go around for everyone involved in that incident. I can not seriously imagine ever stepping over someone, nor deliberately inserting myself in someone else’s legal protest in the manner done. That said, the protestors’ response was uncalled for and deplorable. The event seems to have far greater interest outside of Harvard than on campus.
Part of informed discussion is permitting both sides to air their views without interference or disrespect. That wasn’t shown here.

Wait a minute. Nobody knew he was Jewish unless he told the world something to the effect that “he was a peaceful Jewish student who was being harassed by pro-Hamas Harvard students” and selectively released part of the video. So the only way that false narrative could have come out was if he told it.

I am a parent of a current Harvard student (who as I said was not involved in any of the protests). When I saw the original video, I was disgusted that Harvard would treat a Jewish student so badly. Now after knowing the truth, I am even more this disgusted that this student intentionally went looking for a reaction, got it, and intentionally set out to create a false narrative and dragged Harvard through the mud.

I am also disappointed that some readers here are so set in their ways as to not see the obvious truth when it’s pointed out to them.