College response to terrorism in Israel

Deleted - before someone else will.

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No problem; thanks for the article, I enjoyed reading it!


It is fair game to question Israeli policies and the two-state solution (supported by the vast majority of Israelis but not by Hamas). It is not ok to justify vicious terrorist attacks by blaming the victim. If only she hadnā€™t worn a provocative short skirt, she wouldnā€™t have been sexually assaulted.

Free speech holds that the government will not punish citizens for their views. Private employers provide no such guarantee. If an employer does not want to employ somebody because they hold views the employer finds objectionable, they have every right to do so.


Well said! Is there any way Israelis and Palestinians can ever live peacefully side by side? Or is that wishful thinking?

As you say being critical of certain policies is NOT the same as hate. And I agree.


Agree 100 percent that there is a huge difference between legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and those who are supporting terrorism. This Emory oncologist and assistant professor was placed on leave for her pro Hamas posts on Facebook. Perhaps almost as shocking as a physician disregarding the value of human life is the fact that she served on the Diversity Equity and Inclusion committee.


A reminder that there is a thread for the political discussion of this topic, but that off-topic posts on this thread are subject to deletion without comment.

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" I actually think universities should not be in the business of issuing these kinds of statements,ā€ Yascha Mounk, a professor of the practice of international affairs at Johns Hopkins Universityā€™s School of Advanced International Studies, noted ( on X. ā€œBut since they do issue statements about all kinds of events all of the time, it sends a very clear message if they then happen to fall silent when the victims are Jews.ā€


More donors pull support from UPenn.


They should also not cave to any special interests (organized, or informally coordinated) ā€“ whether based on race, religion, politics, or otherwise ā€“ no matter how well-funded.


that is really the issue. Admin are pressured by an interest group ā€“ usually students ā€“ to speak out on a political topic, and once they do one, they need to do all as the Hopkins Prof noted. Eventually, however, the Admin ends up with competing special interest groups, and speaking out in favor of one is taken as an affront to the competitor. Alternatively, not wanting to offend either, they come out with a milquetoast statement which everything just thinks is cowardly and the opposite of leadership.


dunno why cbs is hiding the faculty memberā€™s name. Yeah, I get that it could be a fake post, but it is was, UCD woudl have said so.

found itā€¦UC Davis has taken down their faculty web page.

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Yes, I mean the prof is identified all over Twitter.

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Thanks for finding that. I understand that as a public university UC Davis has to protect first amendment rights. But a threat of violence directed at Jewish journalists and their children? This is just insane.


Iā€™m sure that suppressing the name has nothing to do with protecting 1st Amendment rights. (but then, Iā€™m a cynic)

My kid is walking by hundreds of protesters, including his classmates, screaming and chanting for the destruction of the Jewish state (and the extermination of her Jewish residents, in Israel proper) on campus these days. He doesnā€™t wear a kippah, and only rarely frequents Hillel, and for once I am glad of that! However, his appearance is identifiably Jewish, and I fear for his safety. Horrible that his school is permitting this. Shameful.


Yes, ā€œprofessorā€ Jemma DeCristo, I AM afraid for my Jewish child at a school where hundreds are repeatedly rallying and publicly calling for the extermination of Jews. You didnā€™t even need to post your threats, Iā€™m already afraid, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only Jewish parent who feels this way about my child at school, or about going to synagogue or any other place where Jews gather.

The fact that UC Davis hasnā€™t yet fired this person for threatening Jewish journalists and their children TEN DAYS AGO is unbelievably shameful.


Sorry. My comment wasnā€™t clear. Iā€™m an emotional Jewish mother and Iā€™m apparently not very articulate today. I really need to turn off the news, get off of social media and spend some time with some giant fIuffy dogs. :grin:

I didnā€™t mean that CBSā€™s omission of the faculty memberā€™s name was related to first amendment protections. Maybe CBS hasnā€™t independently verified the authenticity of the social media posts? UC Davis is saying that they canā€™t fire the faculty member because the University has to follow procedures laid out for faculty misconduct cases and stated that they have to ensure adherence to first amendment rights as dictated by both the feds and the state.

Iā€™m not advocating throwing due process or free speech out the window. Just not understanding how a threat/ call for violence would be protected speech. I guess it would have to be directed at named individuals and not just at ā€œZionist journalistsā€ to fall outside of protected speech? Hopefully after review, they will do the right thing and fire this person.