College response to terrorism in Israel

Yes. It’s been ten days. How long could it possibly take to review this??


One of my former students is now a professor. I am shocked at what she’s been posting on Facebook. She has been defending the attack as justified. I guess she doesn’t feel any need to hide her thoughts, but I don’t feel any need to hear them - so I have unfriended her.


yes, I understand that Davis can’t just fire a faculty member, unless they are an at-will hire (not likely). But that still doesn’t explain why Davis (and CBS) can’t say, ‘we condemn what Professor Smith said on social media, but Professor Smith has first amendment rights and our union contract requires an investigation…’ Instead of, ‘We condemn some social medial posts that supposedly are from a UCD faculty member who shall not be named.’ And if the posts aren’t from Professor Smith, what is UCD condemning, a hack? The fact that they took down Professor Smith’s faculty page speaks volumes.

MSN had no problem naming names, not sure why cbs has to hide it.


"It is not university administrators’ job to opine on behalf of their institutions on the great issues of the day. However, after decades of taking sides, usually supporting decidedly progressive causes and priorities, it is grotesque for university presidents and deans to only discover the virtue of institutional neutrality following Hamas jihadists’ massacre of at least 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians.

The hard question is, how have our colleges and universities come to shelter so many individuals – students and professors – who cheer on monstrous acts?"


My kid is walking by those very vocal protesters every day too… and he told me he’s been specifically wearing his Hillel shirt. He doesn’t normally wear a kippah but given his feelings about being out and proud about this on campus, he might well start wearing a kippah or get himself a T-shirt with Israeli flag just to show his feelings… I wouldn’t put it past him.

Being his mother I worry. But on the other hand there’s my daughter who is apparently making sure no one in high school knows she’s Jewish because she feels it would be unsafe. That’s a worse feeling for me. She said she’s also noticed other people no longer wearing their recognizably Jewish jewelry etc.


In America. In 2023. It would be too hard to believe if I wasn’t seeing it with my own eyes.


Thought I would just post something a little more heart warming. Auburn’s basketball team stands with Israel.

Maybe my decision to send a Jewish kid there wasn’t as crazy as all my relatives thought it was.


My son knows one of the people shown on the Harvard doxxing truck, which drove around for several days showing photos of those who had signed the statement that the attack was Israel’s fault. She has been wearing a Yale sweatshirt so she’s less noticed.

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DD said in Rhodes President Collins sent email that condemned Hamas attack on Israel. Many Muslim students voiced their disappointment and there were some pro-Palestinian activities, but with top administration able to identify right from wrong, I am not worried for my child who is quite active on campus and has huge Magen David on her neck for many years (grandparent’s gift that she cherishes ). She said that at Hillel event today she met sweet girl with Jewish Chai on her neck and hoody that says Rhodes in Hebrew.
I was quite upset at incident at GaTech Jewish fraternity where my other DD, but I hope that atmosphere there would be less tense than at CA universities, NYU etc.

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This is scary. I am glad that my DD is not there.

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Wonder how the university would respond if it was a swastika on that building? And whatever happened to words are violence?


My S22 is at William and Mary. The Monday after the hamas attacks students from Hillel, AEPi and Chabad set up a table to raise money for Magen David Adom (the Israeli version of the Red Cross for those who are unfamiliar). The Jewish students were verbally assaulted by a group of Palestinian supporters. The university president did not make any statements until after the story was picked up by the local news. She then issued a statement condemning the Hamas attacks and saying that harassment, discrimination and threats to safety will not be tolerated.

My son came home to Atlanta for his fall break the same day that the university president issued her statement. He was completely unaware of the incident on his campus, and was actually at a fraternity party with friends at Georgia Tech the night the AEPi house was defaced. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t think things are as bad on our kids’ campuses as they are at a lot of other places.

Totally agree. But knowing what has been going on at many “liberal” schools in the past, we’ve never considered schools like Berkeley strictly for their “freedom of speech/freedom to hate” which contradicts our family values.


I never thought I would be happy that my kids weren’t Ivy material, yet here we are. When we were looking into schools for both my S17 and my S22 we were very concerned about rising campus anti semitism. It is a lot more nuanced than just “liberal” or “conservative” (however you define that in terms of college campuses. Even my Auburn grad says the campus leans liberal but not leftist). We found the AMCHA database to be a useful tool. You can search by school and it documents reported anti semitic incidents dating back to 2015. It also provides info about which anti Zionist groups exist on campus, names of pro Boycott professors, and whether BDS initiatives have been introduced or passed. Of course, it’s important to read through and understand how the school administration has responded, and some incidents are much more concerning than others. Nonetheless, it is a starting point in understanding the magnitude of anti semitic activity on campus


Whoa. Very surprised when I selected Bowdoin College which supported vile graffetti that occurred at Bates College in 2021 (first entry). Really shocked. (I expected to find nothing.)

I was surprised too. Every school I entered had incidents. Very disappointing.

Of course every school had at least one incident as that is why the school is on the list. However, I did find a couple of schools with just one isolated incident.


When any expression of views other than unquestioning support for Israel’s current policy is considered an “incident” I would expect every school in America to make the list.