College response to terrorism in Israel

Yep, this doesn’t surprise me… It is exactly what I was meaning above. I can’t imagine my kids in such atmosphere…

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My oldest was definitely Ivy material, but she refused to apply to Ivy because of atmosphere there (not just political). So our approach was no Ivies and no West coast (due to distance and other factors. ) I am happy with our choices.


My kid’s school is not in the list. I hope that indicates no incidents :pray: and it stays that way.


Have you reviewed the alleged " incidents" at the school you are focused on? At my school of interest, every time the student newspaper published a guest op-ed ( they try to balance them) supporting Palestinians it is listed as an incident. Whenever the student paper reported on a campus vigil/gathering of Palestinian students, that was reported as an incident. An off-campus group submitted a letter to the University President, and yep, that is reported as an incident. The Alliance of Jewish Progressive students take exception to a Hillel event, and that’s another incident. Some students object to a major multinational corporation on campus and that’s an incident. Ridiculous.

Better editing of what truly qualifies as an incident would make the list helpful.


Are you willing to name the school ? I ask because a famous Jewish writer/poet appeared on CNN last night encouraging students to NOT return to college after Thanksgiving break as a sign of protest. It would be helpful to many to know of a safe school environment.

Yep, my youngest reviews one of such databases (maybe the same), so she gets allerts any time there is an incident at any campus.(She knew about GaTech incident before my oldest DD at campus there :flushed:). So every LAC that youngest was considering was reviewed through this prism and several schools were crossed from the list… We totally get that there are incidents everywhere these days but if you see a pattern like at Berkeley, it is a big red flag.


I can name one. Elon U in NC has the most politically uninterested students I personally have ever seen, and has zero incidents. It was perfect for one of my kids, so long as you accept that political uninterest can be a mixed blessing.


Great point.

Interested in schools which debate on an intellectual & factual level without emotion based profanity & false accusations.

Washington and Lee. They have a very active Hillel with both W&L and VMI students. My non-Jewish kid attends many Hillel events, including Shabbat dinners.

There have been many activities over the past few weeks in support of both Israel and Palestine. To my knowledge they’ve all been peaceful and fairly respectful of each other’s views (per my kid and an article in the campus newsletter).


There are some filters and there are detailed explanations. Different people have different bars. They decided to report everything (kudos for that). It is your work to “filter” it and decided what is important and not important for you.


I think W&L is one of the very few leaning towards a bit right or center. At least that was my feeling when we visited.


I would expect many resent being “reported” for presenting both sides of a controversy; that is, after all, the student newspaper’s job.


Serious issue. One school had just a single incident reported, but it revealed how deep emotions are regarding this issue. A student slit his/her wrist in protest.

Let’s circle back to the original question and/or start a new thread in the general atmosphere of a campus

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well this is the word salad that GW came out with .
If my child was still attending I would think about having them transfer. While D was there , many other incidents of anitsemitism occured.

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Not sure if this post is allowed here. Mods please go ahead and delete if this is veering into politics. The Florida State University System has just ordered chapters of the SJP deactivated on their campuses.


What more would you like them to say? They regret the incident occurred, will investigate and respond consistent with school policy, and offer a message of support and referral to campus resources to those hurt. That pretty much covers it.


There was some hate speech that happened as well to jewish students that walked by. What about addressing the safety concerns? If my D was still on campus, i doubt she would feel safe at this point. BTW it took hours for it to come down. What campus resources?

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The note said the school would continue to communicate about campus resources and a further statement by the President would be forthcoming, so I expected that the resources available were previously discussed or would be again shortly. Students should certainly call campus security if they feel unsafe. Many schools have a student escort system at night.

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Rising anti-semitism has been an ongoing issue for years. It is repugnant and disturbing to see it so mainstreamed in recent years.

At the same time, I do worry about how quickly any pro-Palestinian support is being conflated with anti-semitism.

More over, I really worry about two marginalized populations being used as a cudgel against one another and to support a wider climate of hate and intolerance. It is so upsetting.

I’m not sure I can say anything else as more than that moves into politics.