College Search for STEM Girl'24 (3.78uw/ 35 ACT/ no tuition stress) [international student at US boarding school]

The school list above was all discussion results of me and my guidance counselor, so I am hoping it is accurate.

I would say this is a very accurate description of me and why I wasn’t straight up applying for engineering!! I chose these advanced physics courses because I wanted to challenge myself on a subject that I have been bad at since middle school (Worst I got was a 49/100 when the average was 60/100). I didn’t want to be an outlier of my family and wanted to help out in my family business related to industrial machinery production. My parents built the company up without the right technical skills and they really struggled hard because of it (like employees walking out on them, unable to handle the skilled yet arrogant technicians and more), so I thought it would be great if I was the one to help. (Sorry if this part is not very logical but I was crying while typing!! Can’t believe you read all my struggles in one single post!)

I really like these options!! I took a look into industrial/ systems engineering and the course descriptions seemed very intriguing with the broad scope of tech that could help me understand the engineering side, and the wide range of applications it could be used in for future job careers! Would definitely add that into my research list!
For supply chain management and operations research, it seems more specific and focused on one single area instead of a big picture. I would wonder if there are other future job careers other than going to international companies like apple or google?

This sounds like a great opportunity too! I will do more research on these majors and schools!

Loll thanks for giving the heads up! I probably would have suffered a lot based on what you said!

I do know some friends in this field so I will do more research on it! I do see a lot of potential in this field too so that is why I was considering it!

I do like to analyze environmental problems, yet for environmental science seems more focused on analyzing instead of solving. I was wondering if there is any major that does both analyzing and solving?

I don’t think I am interested in this field but thank you for mentioning it!

These two sounded like something I would be interested in, until I saw the computer programming part :frowning: really didn’t enjoy my time in CSA loll.
However, I also found some joint programs of economics with statistics that are very intriguing, so I would look more into it.

This seems a bit far from what I imagine studying, so I would give it a pass too. Thank you for mentioning it though!


Thank you for your suggestions! I will give Santa Clara a second thought!

This does sound like a possibility too! I will talk to my parents about it!

This was a path I was considering too, but because I’m from Taiwan, which is in a very awkward international situation, I am not very positive that being a diplomat is a feasible choice. I do know that specific political circles exist here too, so a prestigious degree could help, but not much.

I looked into it but seems like there is a lot of computer science involved. As mentioned above, I am not very good with cs :joy:

Thank you for this information! I will keep my hopes down for the UCs!

No, but I have learned Korean and Japanese since I was little. I did take the Japanese language proficiency test (N3) but not for Korean. Chinese is my primary language.

Yes this is exactly the situation!

I didn’t take any language AP exam, so that is a bit of a problem :joy:

I am not sure what does this mean, but there is “english support” and “writing support” on my transcript for freshman and sophmore year.

Thank you for the input!

Contact the colleges on your list and explain that your native language is Chinese, you learned Japanese and even took the proficiency test for internationals (N3). You’re currently studying in the US and had 2 years of ESL support so have not taken further FL . Would the N3 result suffice to determine foreign language proficiency or should you take 2 years of another foreign language?

I’m guessing the N3 would be considered FL proficiency for college entrance purpose.


But you absolutely need to ask!


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