<p>I am a junior in high school. I have a good gpa, but my grades have fallen due to a rigorous corse load. I'm afraid all of my top schools are way out of my reach, and I am looking for some alternatives. I'm looking for an academically rigorous, small to medium sized, moderate to liberal school in an urban area. I'm not a big fan of greek life or of sports. I am from the South but I will not apply to any schools there. I plan to major in political science or at least something liberal artsy. My stats. are below. Does anyone have suggestions of good fits? </p>
<p>GPA: 3.65 (Will probably fall to a 3.5) 4.1 Weighted
ACT: 31 (Math: 26 Science:30 English and Critical Reading:33)
AP Classes: World (5), US History (Current), English and Composition (Current) Statistics, English Literature, Spanish, Biology (All next year)
Honors: Chemistry and Spanish IV
SAT II: World History (800)
Extracurricular: Leadership positions in Model United Nations and Youth in Government, Forensics, Lawyer on the Mock Trial Team, Coexist, Baking Club, History Club, Film Club</p>
<p>Current Top Schools: WashU (<--my favorite), Macalester, Georgetown, University of Chicago<br>
Also Considering: George Washington, American, DePaul, St. Olaf, Kalamazoo</p>