<p>Off the top of my head, some of the things I considered, no specific order:</p>
<p>Location (subcategories: weather, distance from home, activities, proximity to city)
Campus Activities (subcategories: intramurals, concerts, sport clubs, university-wide events, etc.)
Athletics (subcategories: good/bad teams, fan support good or bad, active student sections, excited vibe for the teams)
Personal vibe after a visit/Parental opinion (not overbearing though)**
Major/Field of Study**
Campus (subcategories: size, layout (condensed or spread out?), upkeep, overall attractiveness)
Graduation rates
Size of major classes
Facilities--falling apart or well maintained? overcrowded or comfortable? renovations taking place if needed? IMO, renovations are a good sign
Opportunities for internships and study abroad
Academic Support</p>
<p>**Personal vibe/Parental opinion--I was fortunate enough to be able to visit every school I applied to, and some that I ended up not applying to. Me and my mom drove to all of these schools (or visited while on vacation) from Iowa and we hit both coasts, the south, and New England. I checked out 18 schools in total, which seems like a lot, but I'm glad I did. Helped narrow down the list. Anyway, during and after every visit, me and my mom didn't share our opinions on the schools until we were home. We discussed things about the schools in the car and whatnot, but tried to keep our opinions out of it. We would write down what we liked/disliked, let things soak in for a day or two, then decide if it stayed on the application list or not. We disagreed on three schools, and I ended up applying to 9, with no regrets on which ones I applied to and which I didn't. My parent's opinion was important to me--but NOT the deciding factor.</p>
<p>*<em>Major/Field of Study--IMO, find a school that has your #1 choice major. Then see if they have 2 or 3 other majors that you would love to study if you lose interest in the first. I made a mistake here. I love the school I attend, but lost interest in my pre-frosh desired major and am currently on my 3rd. It's not *exactly</em> what I want, but it's similar. I'm happy though and I love the people, the school, the classes, everything and don't want to go anywhere else. Some of my other schools that I applied to offered 3 or 4 majors that would be more fitting, but I'm dealing with my choice and so far there have been no backlashes of it. Some major switchers aren't so lucky.</p>
<p>I applied to schools 3 years ago, so the memory of it is getting fuzzy. The process is stressful, fun, interesting, and you'll learn more about yourself in the 3 months of applications in the fall than most other times in your pre-college life. Good luck!</p>