College Suggestions in the West at $33K annual budget after merit

@JBSeattle: I was not suggesting you consider the UC’s and I remember your initial college search with your other daughter whom was looking at SDSU and a couple of CA schools at the time. Best of luck with your next student. I can tell you that my son’s friends did have a good experience at the University of La Verne so hopefully it will be an option.

Yes Gumbymom, I was kind of adding that for other folks as you said UC’s came in cheaper for you as a CA resident.
Also, good memory!
My other Daughter is going to be starting her Junior year at Western Washington in a few weeks,


Humboldt is a WUE school if she really wants a California school.


She is not stuck on CA but yeah the WUE schools are all on the radar including Humboldt St. I think Boise St, Univ of Utah, Oregon St, New Mexico St, Univ of New Mexico and the Cal States under Wue are worth considering.

Not WUE but she does not want to apply to Cal Poly SLO as was not a big fan when we visited (stopped by while visiting a friend) and does not want to be locked in major wise. My older one applied there and did not get in but we know a few kids who have attended and say good things.

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Took Rice off and we added: Laverne, Whittier, Utah, Nevada Reno, Arizona, Willamette, Oregon St., Seattle U.

Laverne has a Forensics minor and think she could get some merit though their website is more mysterious than most about this subject. Whittier hits the location and merit boxes. Seattle U (along with Arizona St) appears to be about the only school with a strong forensics program east of the Mississippi.

At this point just trying to cast a wide net. Looking for any more thoughts especially on private colleges west of the Mississippi with nice merit aid (looking for $35k or lower ideally) that have some breadth/choice of majors (just not too narrow a focus). She is not fixated on Forensics and also could be interested in a school with a good pre-law program.
Any ideas? Thanks!



It’s west of the Mississippi by a whopping three miles, but… St. Louis University has a Forensic Science major and a very active Irish Dance team. SLU Elevation - YouTube I just recalled this because I knew a student who was on the team for her whole four years there and had a great experience. I’d think the forecast for merit would be pretty good. And there are nonstop flights between Seattle and St. Louis.


Scariff School of Irish Dance in Utah has a strong history.

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Good thought, not sure it is far enough west but will run it by my daughter.

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Yes, that is one of the reasons Utah is on the list.


lots of great suggestions above. I’d add Sonoma and Chico as CA Wue schools that offer solid education, good student experience within your budget. They both also have honors programs that might interest your daughter.


Southwestern University and Trinity University in Texas if forensics isn’t necessary.
My D applied to U Puget Sound, Lewis and Clark, Willamette, some others that don’t meet your parameters, and the two Texas schools above. She was accepted to all with merit. Southwestern was the most affordable, Trinity was close. She attended Southwestern and had a great experience there. She studied abroad twice, landed a dream job in her field after graduation, and is now in a PhD program.


Awesome and thanks for sharing.

Seattle Pacific U matches the cost of UW for in-state students. Montana and Montana State have good COA, as does Northern Arizona. Good Luck!

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Colorado Mesa is another WUE school that would meet your budget. It offers only minors in Forensics, but might be worth a look.


Interesting, never heard of Colorado Mesa.

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Thank you. My daughter is not too interested in Seattle Pacific as it is too religious for her.



What about Westminster in SLC? She may be able to get merit there. We live two blocks from the campus and it’s beautiful and such a great location.


Good thought. Does not look like they have the initial courses of study that interest her (Forensics and pre-law).
My former company was based in SLC. Miss going there and Park City!

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