College Suggestions in the West at $33K annual budget after merit

Every major is a pre-law major.

Colorado Mesa was Mesa State College in Grand Junction until 2011. Its engineering program is part of the U of Colorado School of Engineering and the degree is issued by CU (thus no WUE for jr/sr year). From my kids’ school in southern California, it recruited a lot of kids for sports.

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I’m following this thread because my daughter is looking at some of the same WUE schools. We just visited University of Nevada Reno today and I have to say we were impressed with the campus and resources available. So there’s another one if it’s not on your list already. I saw at least one recommendation here for Montana State in Bozeman. We are visiting there next week. Curious if anyone here has feedback on that school being WUE eligible as well.

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My friend’s daughter went to UNR and seemed to have a good experience.


Registration priority in the Honors Program at UNR is a sweet deal.


Our initial list has been modified and still working through things. We are paying for some limited hours with a college counselor who helped modify.
The list is now (in no particular order):
Pacific University in Oregon, Willamette, Seattle U, University of Washington, Western Washington (my older D attends), Whittier, Laverne, Univ of St Louis (counselor thinks my D would not get in but want to keep due to strong Criminology/Forensics program, my D may not want to go this far anyways), Univ of Portland, Arizona St, Boise St, Gonzaga.
Might be missing something as this is by memory. Consideted/taken off list: UNM, New Mexico St, UNR, U Texas, Univ of Puget Sound and probably Santa Clara for different reasons.
She has an almost 3.7 gpa unweighted but going to go down as she is taking a challenging math class and had not much better than 2.0 in it this last semester.
Standardized tests likely to be tough for her.


Univ of Utah is still on the list.

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Also modified the budget a little. If she is under $35k per year, will write her a check when she graduates foe the difference but will go up to $40k all in (tuition, room, board).

Don’t forget college costs more than they say. $3-5k more. Trips into town. Trips at break. Ubers. Late night eats or tired of dorm food eats. Healthcare bcuz the school healthcare stinks.

So plan for that as well.

Good luck.


Good point but well aware. My older daughter attends Western WA.
She is going to do a study abroad in Thailand and Vietnam in a few months. We were unsure if she was going to be able to go but it is happening now. Happy she is able to do it.


She might be accepted at SLU, but you probably won’t get the merit you want. My daughter was offered $25K for a 3.9, no test scores. That brings the cost of tuition plus R&B to about $38000. Doesn’t include the plane tickets, books, extras. SLU is actually surprisingly expensive!


Thanks for that info. It is pretty borderline. My daughter has been real busy. Once we talk about this again it may be one to scrap.

I’ve weighed in before about how much we liked Willamette when we visited and they had generous merit (but not sure what it would look like without test scores). Heard lots of love for kids who go to Gonzaga too, not Catholic or religious kids at all who love it and get a solid education. I would check out Willamette in person for sure and take a trip east to Gonzaga as well.

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A few other options to consider in Arizona, if you haven’t already:

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (offers a BS in Forensic Biology and is on Niche’s list of Best Colleges for Criminal Justice)

Grand Canyon University in Phoenix (also offers Forensics degree) - this was a for-profit school, but is now nonprofit; my D22 knows multiple students there who are all happy


If you’re trying to get a pulse on merit packages at the smaller schools I can tell you that my daughter just received $34K a year at Univ of Portland which I think brings the total including R&B to around $33K. She has a 4.0 but no test scores and was admitted to the engineering school. Not sure if that’s a more impacted program or not.
I may have mentioned previously on this thread that she is also considering Montana State in Bozeman and Univ of Nevada Reno. We’ve been impressed with our visits to both campuses and the cost is well under your budget assuming you qualify for WUE.

Yes and thanks for your info on Portland. My daughter will have lesser grades but good to know your intel.

She won’t apply to Montana nor UNR.

We are ideally looking for colleges with 5k-6k size or so (this is in a perfect world). Also she doesn’t want to be anywhere that could be considered rural. I thought UNR was a consideration but she wanted to scratch off.

Will check out Embry Riddle more.

Univ of New Mexico
New Mexico State Univ in Las Cruces

Also, consider looking at Southwestern University and Austin College (which isn’t in Austin)…small LACs, but they both have good merit tuition scholarships which would make COA definitely in your annual out of pocket ballpark.

One thing to consider re: any schools in UT is your requirement of not super religious. Sometimes UT can be a bit of a culture shock for people from other parts of the US.

ASU is on the list, my daughter eliminated the other three. I don’t think she is going to apply to anywhere in Texas.
Have heard of Southwestern, just not the right place for her.
Will look into Austin College, never heard of it before.
Thanks for the suggestions.

My daughter has attended Catholic schools but is LBGTQ so does not want a culture which would not be supportive. She would be fine at a Jesuit school for example.

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