College Suggestions in the West at $33K annual budget after merit

Waitlist or deferred? My daughter was deferred with similar stats (4.1 W/3.6 UW/ 31 ACT submitted).

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Deferred, I said waitlist but don’t know they even do that.

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Another acceptance today:
Seattle U with $25k merit.

Thought Whittier might be out as says on CC it should have been yesterday but the Whittier site says 1/15.


Congratulations on the latest acceptance!


Thank you. After Whittier, it will be a long wait for Gonzaga (late Feb) and Univ of Washington (March).

D was admitted to Whittier but nothing in regards to merit on the portal. She is really not interested at this point as she has other options she prefers but if they want to give big merit $ maybe she will consider.

She decided to not show further interest at Santa Clara after being deferred.

Now just waiting for Gonzaga and UW!


Did Whittier’s NPC give any indications of possible merit? Or if she found out before 1/15, then maybe merit aid might be coming then?

Someone else told me they did not see merit either so assume it is coming later.

Range of merit goes from $10k-$35k. My D is not really interested but $35k would put it just below $30k per yr which would make it interesting.

She says UW, Gonzaga, Portland, and Willamette are her top choices but has not eliminated Western WA nor Seattle U.

I think Laverne, Portland St, Pacific U, Oregon St and probably Whittier are out.

She did not bother to “re-apply” at Santa Clara as she was deferred and seems like they are being meager with merit even for incredible students ($10k merit packages at an over $70k a year school) which seems to be a change from my nephew’s experience (Soph at UW).

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I have a student who received the J.G. Whittier scholarship last year for $36K. Written offer (USPS) was dated late Feb. Student did not choose Whittier.

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Thanks for the FYI. Mostly just curiosity on my part.

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My D decided to try RD with Santa Clara after being deferred. She was going to forget about it but they extended the deadline.
Through my insistence she is also applying to Seattle U honors (deadline the 25th so a nickel to whoever guesses when she will submit :joy:):

Hope all is well with all of you and/or your students!


Good for her! Keep us posted :smiling_face:


Thanks! A lot of waiting going on for the last two initial admissions results so anything happening is something!
Likewise on your end! It is an exciting time for these HS seniors!

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My D was admitted to Gonzaga but the merit was less than hoped (21.5 k). If she decides it is her #1 choice then we will try to request more merit/see if there is anything else that we don’t know about. She just barely missed the cutoff for the Catholic HS scholarship which requires a 3.75 uw and is $5k per.

Still waiting on UW!


Also Univ of New Mexico sent a letter saying my D would get in state tuition if she applied. She is not interested but could be an idea for those looking for a last minute option (no work app that is due 3/1).


Has the budget increased? From your merit aid thread (Schools known for good merit aid - #2061 by JBSeattle) it seems that Whittier, Western Washington, and Portland State are the only ones coming in below $33k.

That was the budget for my older D 4 years ago.
Now I am telling my younger D anything under $35k she will get difference back when she graduates with $45k max.
That is why was disappointed on Gonzaga.
We could still do it but prefer not as she has plenty of other less expensive options.

Wow, looked at start of thread and did say $33k but was thinking that would be the # which if she went under that we would give her the difference so guess went up $2k and maybe the upper amount went up slightly from 2 years ago.


Does D23 have any front runner right now? I think she was excited about UW, which of course you are still waiting for the result.

Yes, I think UW is the front runner. A couple days ago she said it was probably between UW, Univ of Portland and Gonzaga but that was before we knew about Gonzaga’s merit aid.

I like the idea of Willamette but she is worried about the small size, not a big fan of Salem and hard for her to continue her dancing there.

She also could change her mind and I think Seattle U could also still be a possibility. Miracle merit from Santa Clara would also change things but doubt she will get in much less get any significant merit $.


As a fellow PNW parent I’ve enjoyed watching your journey! It’s interesting to see how others narrow things down. We are down to 4: UW (if she gets in), UPS, UMass Amherst and University of Rhode Island. And possibly UConn if they blow us away with Merit - not likely haha.

Regrettably only UW would be under $35k for us.