<p>hi okay so I am hoping to start visiting colleges within the next month and I need to make an official list of schools to visit. I am hoping to stay in the NORTHEAST new england area for this round of visits. I need like 4-5 to visit but I am unsure where to start. </p>
<p>I am hoping to finish hs with a 90 gpa with about 3 honors classes and 7.5 aps
My PSATs werent stellar I was in like the 85th percentile (aiming to do much better on SATs)
I have some solid ec's: leadership in 2 clubs and organizations a good amount of community service some really cool summer programs
As far as size goes I generally like no bigger than 7,000 although I would be open to larger campuses. I like a nice residential campus urban is kinda blah..A strong political science program as that is my intended major</p>
<p>So any suggestions? this would be very helpful! (states include NY,VT,CT,ME,RI,MA,PA)</p>
<p>hmmm i really like the more liberal chill feel but a really want a school with strong percentages of grad school placement (grad school is very important) I intend on going into political science and then to law school</p>
<p>overall I want a more suburban/rural campus mostly because i like residential and pretty campuses verses the cementy urban ones</p>
<p>I just like a different variety of ppl mostly liberal and laid back not too athletic (no 20,000 student D1 schools) </p>
<p>Ultimately a very strong education with grad school prospectives in a small residential environment with a chill student body</p>
<p>Yeah those are awesome schools yet my dilemma is that my freshman year was kind of bad and my gpa has improved rapidly. I really improved yet when they see my freshman grades it might make me less competitive. So any suggestions lower than bowdoin and williams? And a few suggestions of larger schools with my criteria</p>
<p>You may want to look into more SUNY schools, UMASS Amherst, University of New Hampshire, etc. </p>
<p>Also, lower freshman grades do not pull you down that much. Many schools disregard them completely, and all schools value them less than the following years. </p>
<p>Try looking at Lafayette, Lehigh, Mulenberg Villanova for PA schools, Can look at Union, Skidmore, Conn. College, and Trinity in another trip, Holy Cross and BC as well as other schools in that area in another. Get a feel for what you like, ?small 1600-4000 is different than 8000 and above with respect to class size and housing issues and availability of clubs. Good luck.</p>
<p>We are planning a whirl wind spring break trip to the same area. My D who is a junior is a strong student with solid stats but not at the high end of the CC crowd (4.0 weighted GPA, SAT V680 M660, ACT 30) probably interested in sciences but unsure. She wants a small to mid-size school in mid-size city (not too rural-eliminated the Maine schools, Middlebury, Williams, Amherst based on this, but not NYC-urban either). Not interested in all-girls school, doesn’t want a religious school. Here’s an idea what we’re thinking but need to narrow it down to stay sane:</p>
<p>Fly into Albany - Skidmore, Vassar, Bard, Marist (she loves Vassar based on the website)
After a couple of days head east - maybe Clark, Wesleyan, Conn College
Over to Brown to visit niece (huge reach)
Head to Boston -maybe drive through Wheaton
Visit Tufts (she loves Tufts based on drive through visit last year and website) - what other Boston schools should we consider?</p>
<p>Wonder if any of these would interest the OP? Any advice from others appreciated.</p>
<p>New York University
Boston University + ( plus because it’s located in a large college city, great nature around, decent price of living, have a car if desire, ocean, and it does at least have somewhat of a campus)</p>
<p>Trying to keep the schools in your area…
Pennslyvania State University- State Park
Perhaps schools in UpState New York, and Washington D.C area.</p>
<p>Is that a 90 weighted or unweighted? Around where does it put you in terms of class rank? (Top 10% or 20%? Even if your school doesn’t officially rank, adcoms will be able to tell where you fit, roughly, by looking at your school’s profile.) Is a 90 an A- at your school, or a B+ or B? Would your GPA be significantly higher if you excluded freshman year?</p>
<p>Have you taken any SATIIs or AP exams, and if so what did you get on them?</p>