college with the highest diversity??

<p>what college has the highest diversity of people ??</p>

<p>Diversity in terms of what? skin color? major? gender? personality? politics? religion.</p>

<p>I thought NYU would be very diverse, and it is, in terms of skin color/religion/major. But it seems like every other person is an artsy liberal hipster, so in that sense it’s not so diverse. </p>

<p>Usually large colleges in major cities tend to be diverse.</p>

<p>Having lots of people from different skin color doesn’t necessarily make the place “diverse”. People from different soci-economic status’s makes it far more interesting then skin color. Two Asians/whites/blacks/latinos/etc. One rich and one poor —this, in my opinion is diversity. Two people of different skin colors of the same soci-sconomic background may not mean diversity since they both have access to the same advantage.</p>

<p>UCLA, Berkeley, NYU, the Ivies, Stanford, MIT, Duke, Northwestern, U Chicago, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Emory are the most diverse colleges I can think of. U Florida is pretty diverse as well since every minority group makes up about 10%.</p>

<p>MIT is pretty diverse. So is Wellesley, if you ignore the fact that everyone is female.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call either MIT or Wellesley diverse. MIT is tech school, which by definition implies that the student body’s academic interests are pretty homogeneous. And Wellesley is entirely missing 1 of the 2 possible human sexes.</p>

<p>Sorry, the ones I listed were ethnically diverse.</p>

<p>In addition to the list that someone posted I would say GMU in Virginia.</p>

<p>According to the USNWR rankings, the most ethnically diverse college is actually Rutgers.</p>

<p>Wellesley is one of the most ethnically & racially diverse schools in the nation.</p>



<p>I was really referring not to academics, but to race. Surprisingly, it also seems pretty equal in terms of girl to guy ratio. And a lot of students at MIT study economics and business, not just tech stuff. As for Wellesley, obviously I wasn’t referring to gender.</p>



<p>UMBC is the second-most diverse, according to the Princeton Review.</p>

<p>/shameless UMBC plug</p>