Collegeboard Stopped Selling PSATs

<p>I'm serial. How do you all feel about this? I finished the PSATs so I am not as sad as I would be</p>

<p>Is this there way of making the SAT more natural intelligence and less hard work studying? Make the curve less harsh?</p>

<p>If they wanted it to be more like that then they would only allow you to take it once, they wouldn’t sell a book with 10 tests in it, they wouldn’t have an online course, they wouldn’t provide 3 QAS’s a year, they wouldn’t provide a free practice test each year. I am surprised that they stopped selling the PSATs since they seem to be willing to sell anything for some extra cash.</p>

<p>I don’t think it was very profitable to sell PSATs.</p>

<p>^This. Also, I don’t believe that there is any way for CB to eliminate the studying/practicing factor. For nearly every test, whether it be SAT/ACT, AMC, AP, etc, the top students will always do practice/study for these tests to perform better. With regards to a kinder curve, this wouldn’t eliminate this factor at all; it would only increase everyone’s scores and make it slightly easier to get a perfect.</p>

<p>Ucutcutvyuvihcbihwdghiiwheguiw Noooo! I was planning on buying them to study for the psat next year when it counts :(</p>

<p>^I think I’ve seen them on Amazon before. Or, you could ask some older CC members nicely.</p>

<p>Btw, the blue book works nicely for PSAT prep as well as for SAT prep. There are few differences between the two, besides length and essay; both exams are similar in difficulty. I bought the PSATs when they were still available and got the blue book from the library, and I don’t see a difference between the two (in difficulty level).</p>