Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

I’ve been looking into the whole exemption thing. Some schools aren’t taking religious reasons at all, only medical ones. Bowdoin is in that category. Some states don’t allow for religious exemptions for vaccines for K-12 and that includes New York state. I know private colleges can do what they want but maybe schools in states with no option for religious exemptions will be more likely to only take medical ones.


NYS banned religious exemptions 2 years ago, so I don’t think that will fly at our colleges. In May the governor announced that the Covid vaccine will be mandatory (when fully approved by the FDA) to attend in person classes at CUNY/SUNY schools. I’ve seen some SUNY campuses say it’ll be required to live in the dorms too.


Full approval (at least of Pfizer) should be coming in the next two months. Hopefully this will result in more mandates and help us move on.


I like the French way. People are free to choose not to vax. But they cannot use public transportation, eat in restaurants, etc. without personally paying for and passing Covid tests. A whole bunch of people signed up for shots after those policy changes. A part of America would object to mandatory vax, so needs to be a choice I suppose. Unfortunately they will literally cost everyone in money, good health, and opportunities in the meantime, including our college students. Unfortunately it looks like the FDA isn’t expected to remove the emergency categorization until after some colleges start.


Connecticut does not allow for religious exemptions but most colleges here are accepting them.

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interesting. I wonder why. There aren’t many religions that ban vaccines. I certainly hope colleges are being picky about who they let go with that excuse. And I hope no college is accepting random “philosophical” issues as an exemption.

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Fully agree with this.

It is unbelievable to me that college experiences this year could be altered due to others’ choice not to vax. If those folks are saying it’s their personal choice, then fine, let them pay for that. Pay for your hospital bill. Don’t go to colleges that require the vax. Your choice.

Health care workers lives are again impacted by the rising number of (primarily unvaxxed) patients.

I also work with a young adult who had a successful organ transplant pre-pandemic because of a congenital problem. There is a question about the effectiveness of her vaccine and COVID would be devastating to her health. I truly don’t understand why we aren’t all thinking about people like that. This choice not to vax affects so many other lives, and is so damn selfish.

And I think any college requirement for masking this year will be terrible. If colleges require the vaccine, with only exceptions for true medical ones (where those folks are likely already careful) then we would all be good.


To @homerdog ’s point…religious exemptions maybe difficult to obtain at some schools.


And give me a break. I bet many of those families don’t really have an objection to the vaccine because of that issue. They are just using that as an excuse. Good for BC. Didn’t the pope say to get vaccinated??


Dr. Francis Collins, director of NIH, stated in a TV interview this morning that he expects FDA full approval in August.


This is pretty amazing

Did he mention the other vaccines? I’m not sure why Moderna and J&J haven’t submitted the paperwork yet. Or have they and I missed it?

Moderna submitted their BLA (request for full approval) a couple of weeks after Pfizer, but the FDA hasn’t yet ‘accepted’ their submission. I don’t think JNJ has submitted their BLA yet.

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Honestly @Luckyjade2024, you seem to be a little shell shocked from the last year. Most kids i know got vaccinated and are anxious to get back to the experience they expected when they chose their college.

I know it’s a thing that some people can’t move on and are still in a state of worry. That’s sad. Please try to understand the science behind the vaccinations.

Pitt has said that they aren’t mandating the vaccine though they are strongly encouraging students and staff to get vaccinated. They had students fill out a form (voluntarily) about whether they were vaccinated and it was a simple check the box. No uploading of a vaccine card required.

I’m disappointed in this but there’s nothing I can do. I think the university is stuck in a state that is politically split and is having a hard time with deciding. The president made some statements in an interview that unvaccinated people would have to undergo more testing, quarantining, etc, but there has been no official word on that.

The rules currently in effect for summer sessions are masking required inside for all. My son is really hoping there will be no masking in classrooms in the fall but I don’t know how they can do that given the path they are on. They have made a statement that classes will be in person with no remote option so I don’t know what happens with students who get sick or quarantined.

No, he didn’t. However, if Pfizer gets full approval in August, Moderna won’t be too far behind.


Definitely not shell shocked. I don’t know where you would get that from.

I also don’t understand how parents love to talk down to college students on this forum. Can never imagine my parents acting in such a condescending manner. Very strange.

Have a lovely day and maybe spend some time outdoors.

If our kids were still very worried about Covid and ok wearing a masks even though they are vaccinated then I would be worried about them. They understand the science and the risks and I think they have a healthy outlook. If they were still donning masks inside and spending energy worried about catching Covid I would be concerned about their mental health. I know post-pandemic life is an adjustment but for vaccinated people it’s time.

And I just got out and ran seven miles so yeah.

Maybe instead of promoting the all-mask initiative, you could spend time talking to fellow students and making sure they are all getting vaccinated. That’s what we all need to be doing right now.

The UKs health secretary, Sajid Javid, has tested positive for Covid and was double vaccinated.

He is 51, in a healthcare related career and BAME so had moderate risk factors for catching it but it still demonstrates that the Vaccines aren’t infallible.

Yep and we al know that. Yet I think he’s still promoting moving on with lowering Covid restrictions in the UK.