Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

It’s not like mono because, with mono, you are very sick and cannot go to class. You’re exhausted and really cannot get the work done. With an asymptomatic or mild case of Covid, kids could easily continue their work. It just sounds like some colleges won’t allow them to do so.

Ok that makes sense! I love Purdue’s detailed plans. Not sure anyone does it better.

“Some colleges?” Is there a college that has come out and said students with asymptomatic Covid can come to class, or go to a dining hall?

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I don’t like that colleges are going to send positive kids home and won’t provide isolation housing. So are they sending covid positive kids home on planes? driving across state lines and infecting many others along the way? Going home to elderly or high risk family members? Sending them to local hotels to infect people there? Seems irresponsible to me.


Any college that is not testing vaccinated students has the risk of having asymptomatic Covid cases walking around without a mask. Even Purdue, see above attachment, is not testing those individuals AND says that, if a vaccinated student is a close contact to someone who has tested positive, they do not have to isolate unless they end up with symptoms. Then they should get tested and, if positive, isolate.

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But you said kids with mild or asymptomatic Covid could continue their work. I agree with that. My question is, if a school is aware that a student has a mild or asymptomatic case of Covid do you think there is any chance they wouldn’t quarantine them?

thanks for sharing that info with Purdue. i like how they are putting the responsibility back on the kids. hoping to hear something similar from our U.

@homerdog - here’s what I’d guess what would happen if a kid is vaxxed, and slightly symptomatic. The kid would treat it as a common cold, not get tested, and go on. In general, the kids in this generation don’t seem to care much with such low vax rates in general.

At my kids’ colleges, I’m hoping there’s no regular testing for vaxxed kids . . . they’ve done their part and it would be such a disappointment to have to quarantine if positive but asymptomatic. From what i gather at my son’s U, there’s no remote options either. Not sure about D’s grad school.

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I guess my point is this - some (most?) colleges are not testing vaccinated kids, so in those cases, students could be out and about and going to class with asymptomatic Covid or even with mild symptoms. Hopefully, there aren’t many of them since breakthrough cases are rare.

At other schools (like Tufts and Harvard), they are testing vaccinated students and they will find those cases and then those students can’t go to class. So only certain schools will be aware of a student with asymptomatic or mild Covid.

We don’t go around testing vaccinated people who feel well. I would hope college campuses wouldn’t do that either especially if a huge percentage are vaccinated.


Your the one that said it… Lol :joy:… I went to go get a bagel. Had to put on a mask. I had to follow this stores rules. Simple as that.

Go to any college Facebook group. Parents complain and students adapt… Both my kids survived. Yes, it sucked. My son had to major pivot on a major conference. Michigan canceled all of theirs. His job loved it since it was one thing that showed he is a problem solver… Your kids will be fine. This is their reality


In all honesty, I think Purdue doesn’t have the space to keep their 200 quarantine beds. As many have noted, they overenrolled and Purdue Village, which was last year’s quarantine housing, will go back to being used for freshmen dorms.

I expect that Purdue won’t be alone in this issue as campuses across the country welcome everyone back in the Fall.

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They don’t want masks. S19 is living the life in Maine right now. No masks in sight. He’s looking forward to normalcy. He’s been in school for two years and has yet to have a track season or a normal spring semester. They will be “fine” isn’t really what we’re shooting for honestly. Kind of tired of the “oh they’ll life, they’re kids, they’ll make the most of it”. Did the kids at Bowdoin make the most of it last spring? Of course. But they still missed a ton of what is a normal experience and the experience is decidedly less.

YOu admit your son’s experience “sucked”. No one can feel good about paying for school (no matter how much someone is paying) for a sucky experience. I just want colleges to follow the science and have plans that make sense. Not go so overboard that it affects the quality of the experience for no reason.

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So did almost everyone… including people who are not students at an expensive exclusive college, or any college at all.


:frowning: just read the details on my D’s grad school. Vax required for students but not for staff; routine testing for all; masks inside for all, no social distancing. She’s excited to be going there, but it’s not quite going to be normal.

Are you sure it’s updated for fall? Seems like a lot of schools haven’t really posted updates yet and have summer info on their websites.

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Maybe masks ARE normal for the foreseeable future. They are in many countries.


What I am really upset about is that my sons school in upstate NY still has hybrid and online classes. out of 9 opportunities to be on campus , right now he is only scheduled for 3. This I dont understand; they are requiring vaccinations, but wont have class in person. The policy though is that for vaccinated Masks are not required.

If I am reading correctly, I think D20’s school will be doing surveillance testing throughout the semester. Since all students are required to be vaccinated, they’re obviously going to be testing them anyway. I’m ok with that and D20 seems to be, too. She has no desire to inadvertently spread this virus. Of course, if she ends up testing positive (asymptomatic) and having to quarantine, she might not feel so virtuous then, LOL.

She had a pretty wonderful experience last semester, in spite of online classes and masks on in public everywhere. She made some close friends and saw and did a lot in the city. She even got annoyed at me the few times I expressed disappointment about what she was “missing” - and that was my clue to just stop. She’s happy enough with her college experience, so therefore, so am I.


Life isn’t perfect… Yes, kids have to adapt or change schools to one that aligns with your values…

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It sounds like at Purdue vaccinated students who are exposed, but asymptomatic, can go to class. And, because vaccinated students don’t have to get tested, if they do develop covid no one would ever know.


What school is this? At least if kids do have to quarantine/isolate, they can continue going to remote class.