Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

Clear masks are not that good. They tend to get very foggy.

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Teachers want kids to mask because the kids aren’t vaccinated.

The same reason some people don’t want their child sharing a dorm room with an unvaccinated student.

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If they don’t like to work with kids that are unmasked, they can choose not to work there and can find somewhere else to work. (See what I did there; it works both ways).

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You’ve solved it all. Congratulations.

Our district could not find enough subs this year. We had days where we had to move to remote instruction because of teachers needing to isolate/quarantine and not enough subs to cover in-person instruction. I suspect the issue wasn’t unique to our district. Telling teachers to go do something else might not actually produce the outcome you’re hoping for.


Right. How is that going to work for schools that have vaccine mandates? How can we make sure our D21 gets a vaccinated roommate? No idea.

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It was a private therapy place. She took my cousin out and since moved him to another private practice. He walks in with his mask on and takes it down under his mouth during therapy sessions.

I’m wondering the same thing.

Pretty sure due to HIPAA you can’t ask, but not 100% on that.

I assume that this speech therapy private practice was open for business during the current school year (20-21)?

Speech therapists in private practice should be permitted to do what dentists do, and they should also use fitted N95 masks if they are working very close to their clients. All of this depends on the state rules.

If speech therapists require masks in private practice, their clients are free to go elsewhere. Some are ok with it.

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If your child is vaccinated, and kids with asymptomatic Covid can still function and go to class, why does it matter what a roommate’s vaccination status is?


Yep and that is a problem.

It’d be interesting to see if this year’s applicants will factor campus vaccination rate into their college decisions.


Our D would be furious at someone who has some bogus, conspiracy based reason for not getting vaccinated. Right now, Colgate’s website says religious and medical reasons might be reasons for getting an exception. Not sure what religious reasons will be legit. That would not be a good roommate situation for that reason. If the roommate is immune compromised and not vaccinated, will she be worried about D being out socializing? I would not want D to have to deal with that either. She’s definitely going to want to ask her roommate if she’s vaccinated.

Am I super concerned about her getting sick via an unvaccinated roommate? No.

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Health care providers and insurance companies are restricted by HIPAA. Other people and entities generally are not, although colleges with student health clinics, medical schools, etc. could fall into the category of entities subject to those restrictions.


Medically vulnerable students probably would prefer a college with a vaccination requirement and high vaccination rates bother the college and surrounding areas.

Those opposed to getting vaccinated for non medical reasons probably would prefer a college without a vaccination requirement and without additional rules for unvaccinated students.

Other vaccinated students may or may not care depending on how concerned they are about breakthrough infections.

But that preference can only be exercised within the usual constraints like cost limitations.


For those who choose not to be vaccinated for non-medical reasons, their choices of colleges may be limited once FDA fully approves one of the vaccines. I’m more interested in how significant a portion of those who have been vaccinated, not necessarily highly medically vulnerable (we all are to some degree, aren’t we?), whether or not a college’s vaccination rate will be one of the important factors in their college decisions, assuming the college otherwise meets their criteria.


Is it possible that colleges are asking vaccinated people to mask just because it would be impractical to implement a policy of only requiring the unvaccinated to do so?

How would you know someone’s vaccination status without breaking medical privacy law ? .

Asking everyone to do so is a much easier rule to enforce.


HIPAA, also known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and its subsequently added Privacy Rule include provisions to protect a person’s identifying health information from being shared without their knowledge or consent. The law, though, only applies to specific health-related entities, such as insurance providers, health-care clearinghouses, health-care providers and their business associates.

That means that even if your friend, favorite restaurant or grocery store were to publicly share private details about your health, they would not be in violation of HIPAA because they aren’t one of the “covered entities,” Gatter said. There are other federal and state confidentiality laws that may require employers and schools to protect your privacy. And, experts emphasized, there is nothing in HIPAA that bars asking people about their health — including vaccination status — or requiring proof that the information is accurate.

“It’s not really a prohibition on asking, it’s a prohibition against sharing,” said Kayte Spector-Bagdady, an associate director at the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine at the University of Michigan. The law, she added, “doesn’t mean you never have to tell anyone about your health information.”

Under federal laws, there are very few, if any, situations in which businesses, airlines, employers, schools and even those covered by HIPAA are prohibited from asking you to share your vaccination status or show your vaccine record card, experts said.


Ok, but if you enter a large college building with a two tier mask mandate and 100s of students are not wearing a mask. How exactly would you begin to work out who has been vaccinated and are ok and who hasn’t and so are breaking the rules?

Security staff of a small dorm who knows every student resident by name could probably memorise everyone’s vaccine status quite quickly but otherwise would security randomly spot check peoples smart phone for a pass ?