Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

yet I don’t believe the county that Duke is in is on the list of counties that need to mask per the CDC.

Let’s hope Delta is short lived. I don’t pretend to understand why but I do keep hearing that this wave could be gone in three to four weeks.

We might have a fall where schools are on and off again with masks.


I think it’s based on relatively quick Delta waves in UK and India.


Ohio Wesleyan has announced that they have 50 openings for the fall (new and transfer students), for those who want to attend a school requiring the covid vaccine. Providing up to $25K in scholarships as well, it’s unclear if that is renewable.


Do we know when the FDA will give full approval to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine? I would think that would prompt some hesitant schools, companies and local governments to put mandates in place.

FDA has to act on the Pfizer submission by January 2022. Janet Woodcock, Interim FDA director said they will act on it sooner than that, but didn’t say when. Many are speculating a Sept timeframe. FDA has not yet accepted Moderna’s BLA submission for approval…once they do that, FDA has 6 months to act on that, assuming Priority Review is granted.

Interesting there’s still an interim director.

I would think this is a priority? Where’s the fire being lit under the FDA to get this done ASAP? I understand it takes time but I hope they are working day and night on this.

And I wonder why the drag on Moderna timeline.


I’m super ignorant about the approval process but with the huge number of individuals who have already taken it, you’d think the FDA would have way more supportive data then they usually have to make an approval.

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D (and the entire Amherst College student body) just got an update about what restrictions would be in place for students this semester (or rather, the administration’s uncertainty). They confirmed that the entire student body will be returning to campus, and all classes will be in-person with no remote learning option. However, with regard to restrictions, they said “It is possible that we will have health and safety protocols such as testing, masking, and physical distancing in place as we rejoin each other for the fall semester, or put them in place during the semester depending on the course of the pandemic. We will communicate these decisions to you as soon as they are made.” So they don’t even know yet if they will be testing students. I get things are a bit in flux with the delta variant, but honestly, what have they been doing the entire summer? We are now less than a month away from the start of move-in.

I actually think Amherst’s decision is a good one. Bowdoin’s language is the same. I think they want fall to be as normal as possible and that’s the goal. As things with Covid fluctuate locally, they can make decisions about masking and testing. They are confident that classes can be in person. We got info about move in and it’s just like 2019 except anyone on campus that day needs to show proof of vaccination.

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As soon as the delta variant burns it self out a new variant will emerge unless we become more aggressive with our vaccination coverage and/or testing and mask wearing.

Having a very conservative outlook now will prevent us having to play wack a mole with covid variants for years to come.


Durham County, where Duke is located, is in the substantial category, so needs masking per CDC guidelines.

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so this doozy

OK, W&M’s verified rate of completed vaccination of students is now 77% up from 56% and the school is now mandating the vaccine (but allowing exemptions). Unvaccinated students must file for a medical or religious exemption or send proof of first vaccination by Aug 10 or be unenrolled. The second vaccination must occur by September 17. I hope the school is strict about determining exemptions. I also hope that a good number of the remaining 23% have already had one dose. I’m wonder what the rate of vaccination will have to be for the school to operate in the manner that they had hoped?


I’m wondering if there will be any updates issued from schools right after tuition is due.

Does that link actually work? Didn’t for me but perhaps I typed it in wrong.

Good question! Also, I wonder how strict they can afford to be in terms of withholding exemptions…I mean, I can’t imagine at this point they’d have several hundred fully vaccinated students still eagerly standing on the waitlist, waiting to pay and enroll. Too bad they didn’t explicitly mandate nonvaccinating students to file for exemptions back in May.

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I noticed they moved to substantial yesterday. I checked them right after the CDC guidance came out and they were moderate - unfortunately too many in NC aren’t vaccinated so I’m not surprised, but very disappointed.

just look for cait on facebook.

The W&M religious exemption is just a form to sign and notarize :persevere:. It just says that the undersigned feels that taking the vaccine is against the tenets of their religious practice and understands that the exemption may cause them to not be able to participate in some in-person activities and may have to take additional preventive measures until the danger passes. I can’t imagine that alone would deter anyone.