Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

God I hope you’re right.


Real Life experiment thanks to my Sons friend at Tulane.
Was exposed likely on a Sat night.
By Tuesday was not feeling good (headache and snuffy nose). symtoms lasted a few days.
Wednesday tested positive.
It is now Monday. AT home test is now Negative.
Person was double vaccinated, with a previous case of Covid summer of 2020 but no boosters yet.

Friend was the same, whom likely got it from the same party/source. Tested negative today.

So Symptoms to negative test about 7 days. (tues-mon)


Regarding the need/hope that the CDC will adapt the approach to testing and quarantine, Dr. Bob Wachter posted this on Twitter:

Omicron raises an urgent math problem for epi world & @CDCgov – Solve for X: For vaxxed person w/ Omicron, “X”=minimum # of days of isolation that optimizes limiting spread & keeping economy going, assuming rapid test is neg on days X-1 & X. (Hint: I doubt it’s 7-10; my guess ~5)

As comments are pointing out, it’s not only a complex math problem, it’s also a social values problem, since extending X to achieve zero chance of spread may be too “costly” – especially in healthcare settings, where we might run out of docs & nurses. But how low is “low enough”?


Well that escalated quickly!

The CDC just announced that omicron blew by delta and now accounts for nearly 75% of all new cases nation-wide.

Good grief.


Breaking: the entire University of California system moves classes online for the first two weeks of January, according to a UCSD official. Doesn’t seem like there’s been an official, system-wide announcement yet, however.

UCSD walks back the claim of system-wide online classes. Now says UCSD will go online for first two weeks of January, at least, while other campuses are still deciding what to do.

San Diego Union Tribune article updated.

Penn announced today that it will require everyone who is eligible to get a booster shot by the end of January. They hosted three on campus booster clinics last week so hopefully most people got it then.

All students, faculty, and staff are required to receive a COVID-19 booster shot by January 31. Anyone who is not yet eligible for the booster by January 31 must receive the shot within 30 days of becoming eligible. Individuals who were previously approved for a medical or religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination requirement will be contacted if they need to re-apply for an exemption. Students enrolled in an online program are also required to receive the COVID-19 booster.

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Amherst College is strongly encouraging instructors of January term courses (from January 3 to January 24) that are currently scheduled to be in-person to shift to a remote format. Students taking online January term classes can still return to campus but are encouraged to study from home (only students taking January term classes, taking a co-curricular training program that you have to be on campus to do, doing thesis work, part of a varsity sports team, or in special circumstances that would make staying home difficult were invited back to campus for January term to begin with). Students on-campus during January term required to get booster by end of first week on-campus. Winter sports continuing as usual, but no non-college guests allowed at sporting events.

D needs to arrive on campus with a negative PCR test, administered within 72 hours, the 2nd week of January. The problem is almost no testing sites in our county will administer a PCR test to asymptomatic people and those that do are saying results will be 3-5 days, not guaranteeing to meet the 72 hour requirement. I emailed the school with my concern and they basically said they didn’t have any guidance for me and were closing today until January 3. Is anyone else in the same boat?

I am waiting to have testing open that would fall on 3 days before the return to school in Jan. Interesting my S is going back on sunday but the schools says the kids will be locked out if there isnt a negative result in on the friday but it needs to be no more than 3 days before, so we are going to do three days before the friday! What a mess!

Are you sure? Don’t people need PCRs to travel to certain places abroad? There are other reasons too. I would call your doctor and ask for advice. We have PCR tests here even at Walgreens but I don’t know how quickly they come back. Need to check on that. D also needs negative test within 72 hours of arrival but not until the end of Jan.

She goes back on the Tuesday but many are not open on weekends, either. The biggest issue seems like it is going to be getting a PCR for someone with no symptoms.

This shows what a mess testing is in the US, and how people and organizations are relying on it even though access is unreliable. Needing a negative PCR result in the last 72 hours is iffy when 72 hours is the typical turnaround time for a PCR result. Quicker turnaround can be had for a price (e.g. around $200 for same day result for a morning test).


I guess it depends where you live, here in the NYC area it is not an issue, there are tons of places and no one cares if you have symptoms, just have to find an appt. Hopefully things will calm down a little after the holiday and it will be a little easier. Ask her pediatrician, they can sometimes send to labcorp and quest, the timing is a little longer though.

I agree it absolutely depends where you live. We still have plentiful, free, PCR testing with 24 hour turn around - 7 days a week.


We have 18 sites in the county that do any testing. Of those, only 7 offer PCR as an option, others just do the rapid. Of those 7, only 1 guarantees results in 3 days or less with the rest hopeful they can get them in 3-5 days. That 1 that says results will come soon enough is adamant they will only test those with symptoms and prescreen people when they get there. We have a high positivity rate with long lines. I appreciate they want to use resources for those who are sick. It just puts D in a tough spot.

I fear that even the NYC testing sites will see delayed reporting once they are slammed after Christmas with new cases.

The Yale New Haven Hospital site, which covers much of Fairfield and New Haven counties, now has a message on their site saying results will take two to three days, and recreational/travel tests may not be accommodated. Far fewer appointments available compared to even this past Friday when I booked one for a family member.

ugh, I am hoping that people are smartening up here, making the appointment as soon as it opens up!

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Last March, we did lie to get D a PCR test. Said she had a sore throat and was fatigued even though that want true. It was the only way at the time to get that test.

Does her pediatrician do PCR testing? Many do.

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