Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

They’re having a shortened, midweek spring break with no adjacent weekends (i.e. Wednesday and Thursday). I think it’s a general reminder to students since most classes are online and the mandatory quiet period has ended.

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Last semester (at Amherst College), D had two in-person classes and two remote classes. This semester, all four of her classes are in-person.

All of her in-person classes are also available remotely for students who can’t come back to campus.


Any idea what percent of classes are in person at Amherst? Could you find out?

Son at Richmond wanted in person classes. In the fall he had 4 in person; this semester has 3 in person. (Other is online just because of his scheduling constraints.)


When you say in person do you mean all in person? Like completely normal in person but just with masks? The full number of hours all in person?


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West Virginia has vaccinated all K12 staff under age 50 who were willing to get it. Bodes well for their schools.


Kudos to West Virginia. I did not predict them as being the leaders in vaccination distribution, it’s been really impressive to see. Maybe they can consult to the other states who are performing much worse, looking at you Illinois.


I feel like our town has done such a good job with vaccine roll outs but am hearing all kinds of stories about other towns/counties. It is crazy to me that there isn’t a more standardized process across the entire state.

I get my second dose this afternoon. The school teachers are all scheduled here for next week (and some in the adjacent district got their’s last week). All our patients over the age of 70 have gotten their first dose.


My neighbor’s 80+ year old parents in cook county have not been able to get vaccinated yet. It’s ridiculous. And the proportion of vaccines delivered that have not been administered is way too high. Hopefully now that more pharmacies and grocery stores can administer the vaccine that will help!

That’s terrible! I hope the pharmacy deliveries will help too.

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My state (Pa) is like near bottom of U.S. in distribution and my county is particularly bad. For my count, in phase 1(a) 154,704 people are identified yet only 18,700 vaccinated. Teachers are 1(b) so that’s not happening for a long time. The school district seems like they want to open full time in person learning to vaccinating the teachers so this is not a good situation.

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Bowdoin sophomores, juniors and senior went back Friday and yesterday. Everyone tested. Out of about 1200 student tests, only two came back positive. So one week of testing everyone every other day, some limits on what the kids can do for a week, and then hopefully things open up a bit if no spike happens later this week.

S19 said it’s not bad. They can spend as much time as they want outside. They leave their rooms three times a day to go pick up meals. Kids are socializing outside. Class starts tomorrow with any in-person classes starting after this “hybernation” week is done.


Can the students eat together in the common areas?

No. Eating is either outside this week (brr) or in their rooms. When they move to fewer rules, they can eat with their roommates in their common room or eventually make reservations at the dining halls to eat there.

Right now, it’s still possible more kids have Covid and they just haven’t tested positive yet since it takes a few days from when they are infected. Lots of kids traveled from far away to get to Brunswick so they aren’t out of the woods yet.

Villanova is already seeing spikes in infection:

Villanova University warned that the campus community needs to “alter our course immediately” after seeing three consecutive days of 60 or more coronavirus infections on campus.

The situation isn’t great at University of Pennsylvania either.

Is that because of poor roll out, or because a lot of people in 1(a) are hesitant to get the shot? If it’s the latter, then time to open eligibility to 1(b) also.

Darn that Greek life again. Seems to be the problem at Penn.


Agree, looks like LACs like Bowdoin are better able to manage the partying scene on campus; also, it helps to have a more manageable number of students on campus. Kudos also to the larger NESCAC schools like Middlebury, Tufts and Williams who have also been able to keep their testing and monitoring robust.