Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

Lots of college students are financially constrained to commuting to a local public community college or state university, just like they were financially constrained to attend their local public K-12 schools. So COVID-19 policies may not be the biggest consideration in choosing a college for many.


Depressing to think cheating is happening at college too, but, not surprising when you think about it. Honestly, I think it is a way of life in many communities where the early message is that anything less than ā€œAā€ is unacceptable.


For most kids affordability is the #1 criteria when choosing a college. It is easy to forget that here on CC with our discussions about ā€œfitā€. Fit is a luxury, as is attending any kind of residential college.


The post-game celebration was on Jan. 10, so the testing results for the next 2 weeks will be worth watching.

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Unfortunately mine had the same experience. She was TAā€™ing a course and a bunch of students cheated on the first exam. The prof was livid. They ended giving students exams with watermarks, and people still tried to cheat. A number of students were thrown out of the class and sent for disciplinary action.

Most professors moved to final projects instead of final exams, or very complicated open book exams with no one right answer.

Absolutely many donā€™t have as many choices. Unfortunately many are stuck with less than ideal situations. Covid policies are just another layer of concern and in some cases it is what it is, good or bad, depending on your personal views.

If I had an incoming freshman it would certainly play a bigger role regarding options.

So much for Honor Codes.

Itā€™s sad, but Iā€™m cynical. In a society where there are parents who do their kidsā€™ elementary school projects, what is the message - that results are more important than effort. If kids grow up with that message, short cuts and cheating are going to follow in many cases.


Since trust levels in US society are declining, it is likely that people justify such acts as ā€œeveryone else is doing it without getting caught, so people who play by the rules always loseā€, driving an increasing cycle of corruption and cheating.


Iā€™m more concerned about the quality of possible engineers and doctors, for example, who are cheating to get through school. Donā€™t want that engineer designing a bridge Iā€™m going to use on a daily basis. Doesnā€™t bode well for the future.


Isnā€™t it more than a little insulting to dismiss the voices and protests of students as if all they could possibly be concerned about is getting out of finals or being able to more easily cheat on tests?

Were it not for covid, most kids would prefer to be at school in person, but many have vulnerabilities themselves and/or have family and friends with vulnerabilities, and they may be concerned with protecting these people. In other words, many donā€™t see hardship of online learning as outweighing the health and well-being of others, including their teachers. And there voices ought to count for something.


Agreed. Lots of cheating among the premeds at Dā€™s college, some of whom are on the emergency response team. D echoes your concerns about quality and is wary of accepting any medical assistance from known cheaters.

Sadly, those kids who cheat their way to As also get plum TA positions, but are unhelpful to students because they donā€™t actually know the class material!


Personally, I donā€™t think kids are protesting school so that they can cheat - Iā€™m sure most are nervous about their health, or the health of a family member, and some just prefer remote school for other reasons. At the same time, remote schooling did result in rampant cheating at both the high school and college level.

LOTS of cheating among the nursing students at the University that employs me. :frowning:

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The prevalence of cheating and the college honor code predates COVID. Letā€™s get back on track please.


After three days of remote instruction, Bates is going to in person on Tuesday. Take and go continues to at least the end of the month.


Absolutely. When I got to this place people were comically honest, really scrupulous. 30 years onā€¦maybe what gets me is that theyā€™re just so bad at it. Like Iā€™ve never seen more obvious, clumsy dishonest people. If youā€™re going to be a crook and a sneak, at least have a sense of style about it. Give us something to admire.


Well, weā€™ve had a volley of beginning-of-term emails from admins high and low, and the cowardice just oozes from the screen. Itā€™s clear that none of them are happy with the stateā€™s ā€œcovid, itā€™s a cold, git on back to work yā€™all, hyah (crack)ā€ position, but not a one of them will come out and say so. Or break into ā€œI Get No Kick from Champagneā€.

Iā€™m also getting ludicrous reams of new ā€œrun your online course like thisā€ directives fromā€¦some upper-admin committee? Including demands for mountains of specific office hours and new curricular handsprings that ā€“ no. Just no. Iā€™ve written back with ā€œabsolutely not; if thatā€™s a dealbreaker, say so. By the way, the fact that there hasnā€™t been a raise since 2013, combined with the fact that youā€™ve stopped paying for course development, means my effective payā€™s about half what it was when I started, Iā€™m doing zero extra work for you, and this is the last time Iā€™m doing it at all.ā€

I donā€™t know who the hell these people think they are, or why they think theyā€™ve got a monopoly on education for people who actually want education, rather than a luggage label or a four-year coming-out party. And they clearly have no idea how many jobs linkedin emails me daily.

eta: hahaha, while I was writing that, linkedin, bless its loopy-algorithm heart, emailed me another one: Alexa personality writer. I think thatā€™d be magical, if Alexa had my personality. Headlines for years.


I know that I shouldnā€™t condone this behaviour from a professor but screw it :joy::ok_hand:.

Of course, the opposite is also true-that professor is a transmission point to every student. He leaves campus, may live with people of unknown or positive covid statusā€¦

He sounds like he should have been fired a long time ago. Grades are predetermined by God???