Colleges recruit bowling players?

<p>I heard that US colleges recruit sport players. Is ten-pin bowling considered a sport and if so, how could I find out which colleges recruit bowling players? Thanks!</p>

<p>I would be astonished if there are any colleges that recruit bowlers. But anything is possible. There certainly are professional bowlers in the U.S.</p>

<p>But I would say that the fact that a kid (from Hong Kong?) is interested in competitive bowling might make him or her stand out in the application pile.</p>

<p>West Texas A&M is known to recruit bowlers.</p>

<p>The world is so strange that naitouu01 is just as likely to be serious as to be joking, assuming there is such a college as West Texas A&M.</p>

<p>You can get bowling scholarships. I know someone who got a full ride for bowling at Morgan State. Do some searching online, I’m sure there are other colleges too.</p>

<p>Years ago, I was the SAT prep coach for a bowler who had been recruited by a US university and who needed a certain exam score in order to be eligible to enroll there. I think this was the program, but I’m not sure: [Bowling</a> - News - Arkansas State Athletics Official Web Site -](<a href=“Women's Bowling - Arkansas State University”>Women's Bowling - Arkansas State University)</p>

<p>HKparent, if you pop by the Hong Kong office of EducationUSA, the counselors there might be able to help you find more answers to this question. Here is the contact information for them: [EducationUSA</a> - Center Profile - PAS - Hong Kong](<a href=“]EducationUSA”></p>

<p>Vanderbilt has a women’s bowling team and recruits bowlers. The bowling team won the school’s first national championship a couple years ago.</p>

<p>West Texas A&M is a college south of Amarillo. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My wife knows someone who has a son recruited by Wichita State for bowling:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>someone from my hs went to u of nebraska for bowling.</p>

<p>As far as I know, yes they do. My grandma’s best friends grandaughter, who happens to be a senior in HS right now, won the New Jersey state championship in bowling and is going to Vandy next year for bowling coincidentally enough!</p>