Colleges with 3+3, direct freshman entry, accelerated program for Physical Therapy?

Take the direct admit option if your child is confident that they really want to be a physical therapist . The only thing that matters is that the school is an accredited program. You may also want to look at the pass rate for the PT licensing exam . Every graduate has to take the same licensing exam. IMO, ranking regarding schools is irrelevant. If your child is not confident that they really want to be a PT, I would get a different undergrad degree and go the traditional route into PT school.

@jnkam24 She would be CRAZY not to accept direct admit if PT or OT is what she wants. Ranking of school means nothing. If the program is accredited and students pass the boards I can assure you employers do not care one little bit about the schools ranking. It’s VERY risky not doing direct admit, and this is coming from someone who loves Ohio State. Not worth the risk.

@bhs1978 she only applied to 3 directs, one which she was denied, one is unaffordable, and one is Hartford, which is, well, Hartford. Is it really that hard getting accepted to a PT program applying traditionally?

I’ve been told PT school is harder to get into than Med school.
The schools passing rate is definitely something to look at as one has a limited number of attempts on the licensing exam.


My husband is a UHart grad. You know some of their departments are quite good. Here is what you need to find out.

When is the UHart PT program up for reaccredidation? Is there any reason to think they won’t be accredited in the future? What is their pass rate for the licensing exam?

PT school is very difficult to get into. Here is a question for you. I really know nothing about Hartford, but why did she apply to begin with? The program is accredited. Only she can decide if it is worth the risk.

@bhs1978 my mom told her she had to add some guaranteed seat programs too. My sister didn’t like most schools that had it so my mom picked it because of the NPC and because they have ballet there and my sister is in a preprofrssional ballet program so she could still continue ballet in some capacity. She got into the program and honors but has never visited.

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Well, she should visit and talk to people in the PT and dance department.

@mommdc hopefully she will.

@jnkam24 Well, it will be very difficult to get into a program but it’s certainly not impossible. If she would be really unhappy at Hartford then that may be counter productive. It really depends on her commitment to PT and what she wants out of school. Ohio State is a wonderful school but I can tell you that some of the weed out classes are brutal. If she’s really committed I’m sure she can do it. Being in the field myself I always recommend direct entry but that’s not to say it can’t be done the other way. I’m just trying to help so she understands all of the plusses and minuses before she makes her final decision. Good luck whichever route she takes. It’s a wonderful profession.