Colleges with parkour/freerunning

<p>Hey guys, I'm rly gettin into parkour freerunning and I can't wait till I go to college cuz nobody here does parkour. Anyone know of any colleges that have a parkour/freerunning/ tricking club? Tht'd be siiiick.</p>

<p>Lol most ppl probs dont know what i'm talkin bout...</p>

<p>Rhodes has a slacklining club, which is kind of like having an injury wish instead of a death wish… ;-)</p>

<p>Have you read the forums on [American</a> Parkour](<a href=“”> ?</p>

<p>Check out COLLEGEWFPF.COM… we’re putting together the only online college parkour and freerunning resource and networking page! It’s for everything college parkour related! [College</a> WFPF](<a href=“”> or [College</a> |](<a href=“]College”>College - World Freerunning Parkour Federation) has all the info!</p>