Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

Hobart UP— Pleasantly surprised. We didn’t expect to like such a small and rural campus. Coffee shop is walkable. Lakeside location is nice. Study abroad was appealing. Variety of living situations, including a former house that now houses undergrads. Townhouses available for upperclassmen.

Cornell DOWN—Students seemed sad, depressed. We didn’t see anyone laughing. Bathrooms in student union were old and gross. Got the feeling Cornell doesn’t have to try hard so they don’t. Art museum on campus looked promising.

Syracuse UP—Cheerful. Lots of spirit. Took online tour and then returned later for orange preview day. I eavesdropped on students and liked what I heard. Programs looked good as did entertainment on campus. I do worry about safety and drinking.

SUNY Binghamton DOWN — Brutalist architecture. Campus is really in Vestal, NY. Not walkable. Dorms are uphill and far from class buildings. Bus ride to town is 15 min.
Makers in maker spaces seemed happy. Parking is a problem.

Colgate DOWN—Too rural. Tiny campus. Town is not walkable from campus, which is on a steep hill. Seems like you’d be trapped in a tiny area. But good sandwich shop and coffee place in the very small town.

AU—NEUTRAL—Didn’t seem to have a lot of spirit. Seems best for policy or politics students.

UNC Chapel Hill — UP—Took unofficial tour. Liked the vibe of the place.

Skidmore—DOWN—Felt like a boarding high school. Indeed, student guide said she went to tiny school and wouldn’t know what to do in a big school. The world is big so kiddo felt like they want a more real-world experience.

U Florida Stayed DOWN—Too hot. Too south. Too under construction. Dorms look old. New student apartments look like student apartments on other campuses but with palm trees. Too samey same.

F and M—NEUTRAL—Took unofficial tour. VERY small. But nice how it’s inside Lancaster, which is sort of walkable in some parts. Would need to learn more to see if it’s worth applying to.

U Michigan—UP—Student liked it. But I think there is a serial killer in action now? Lots of spirit. Residential situation looks good. Some program classes require a bus ride. Parts of campus are pretty—law school area. Ann Arbor is cool.