Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

University of Houston - Same

We visited last month. Coincidentially the tour guide we follwoed was also an IB school graduate. She is now a junior there. S24 had a long chat with her after the tour and learned a lot from her about the school.
The school reminded me a lot of SFSU and SJSU (we youred both last year when we were tripping in California). Some of the buildings show their ages, but overall the campus was ok, its urban but not too dense like NY. While we were touring there were those small robots (like small carts) making delivery around the campus, which was cute.
The dorm we toured were 4 students per room. But the tour guide said the older dorm have better room choice. And if you can get into Honor College, even better.
Only thing we all thought kind of weird was the way they implement tests. Students have to go to designated buildings at specific times for their tests. If you gone to the wrong building by accident and miss your time, good luck.
Overall S24 still likes the school. Its very diverse and lively.

Trinity University - Same

School was nice. It is bigger than SouthWestern and has more students. S24 thought SW was a littel small, UoH is too big, Trinity is just right.
Campus has nice lay out. We saw a lot of students walking around. One thing we did noticed was that no one was smiling. Maybe the kids were all busy with works because we heard its academically the school is hard.
The dorm we toured was ok, kind of old and small. At least its two students per room!
The guide never took our group to check out the cafeteria, but some students we talked to said its like your basic high school cafeteria food… but worst! :sweat_smile:
I did like how its in SA, so has more things to do, and is close to River Walk.