Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

I was hoping to have more to report but for reasons that will become obvious, my entry is shorter than I expected. Most recent visits:

Wake Forest:
About the same. We liked Winston Salem and the flight was pretty easy. Liked the tour guide (a very nice, relaxed guy who seemed to be friendly with everyone on campus) and the layout of the school. Didn’t love the info session/panel, or that our entire tour group appeared to be from NY/NJ (including two girls DS remembered from camp several yrs ago). DS worries he’d find Wake claustrophobic after a couple of years. Still on the list, but not the top.

We had high hopes … but DS simply did not click with the school. Didn’t like the long drive or the hotel. Didn’t love the info session - seemed as if they were trying too hard. Half way thru the tour DS realized that isolated and bucolic simply wasn’t the right setting for him to thrive. He needs a city and more immediate work opportunities. Bucknell’s off his list.

We canceled the tour at DS’s request. If he wants a city or at least a bustling town, Lehigh won’t work either.

So we’re back home and regrouping. In a few weeks, we’ll try to visit BU and U Mass Amherst. Then possibly U Florida and U Maryland. DS is very much the kind of kid who goes by instinct and feel. So far, he’s had really good vibes at Miami and Syracuse. Hoping he gets more of those good vibes at 4-6 more schools (including a safety or two).