Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

Toured Southwestern University (Texas) with one my of kids and friend. It is a small liberal arts college in a smallish town not far from Austin. It has a cute small town feel, but it is basically in a suburb with outlet malls and Target etc nearby.

Our tour guides were very enthusiastic and friendly. The campus was extremely quiet - we did not see many students at all on a Saturday afternoon. They seem to have good resources and programs for their students. The campus was pretty but tiny. For my kid, it confirmed that they prefer a larger school, but they agreed it was a nice school. The friend who wants a small school will keep it on the list as a safety. Everyone I’ve met who has attended has loved it, but not the right fit for my kid.


It was helpful for us to read your comments on Boulder and Mines. My son was accepted at Mines and will visit for first time during spring break.


My niece had an excellent education there. It’s close to Austin when kids want to go out. My niece had a lot of assistance in applying for a Fulbright, which she got. Her campus housing was in a brand new townhouse. Quite spiffy!


Great summary! I’m interested in any other CU Boulder thoughts/feedback you have. I have a son at ASU who absolutely loves it. He lived in Tooker House, so I’m happy to answer any questions for you.


It might seem that way, but it’s super walkable!

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I would love to hear more about the campus vibe, housing, and just the general “finding your people” vibe. He wants a “big” school but ASU is “huge”. He will likely need to go visit if he gets in to make a decision but nice to hear your thoughts so far.

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We like walking, so though it is a lot of walking, it is easy and flat. Seemed easy to us to walk everywhere. I walked up the ASU mountain, then to the river park area, then all over campus. Campus is squarish, with dorms on the edges. Barrett is at the opposite end from Tooker. And Tooker closer to other dorms, stadium, E school stuff, and eateries it seemed. Barrett closer to the gorgeous gym.


Thank you! I have mixed feeling about CU. In some regards it seems like a great place to spend 4 years and offers the potential for a quality education. But I have concerns about what I saw as big-city issues in a small town. And that the party culture is not hype.


The “official” distance between the campus and that cool Pearl Street outdoor mall is about .7 miles. I think it’s a little longer depending on which section of campus you begin your trek. We did that walk when we went out there and I wasn’t thrilled. I have a debate with my wife whether that’s a long walk or not. At 3 p.m. on a Saturday, of course not, but student hours, like at midnight, that might not be the best stroll, especially in say Jan-Feb. Anyway, I hear on Boulder’s big city/small town issues. School’s really nice, and obviously you shouldn’t be paying sticker prices for the views, but, man, those are some million-dollar views in certain spots.

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Like this panoramic view of the entire town of Boulder, including the university? :slightly_smiling_face:


thank you for the summaries. Where did your D end up going and did they like?


UNF moved way up. Did the Honors tour yesterday and he was very impressed. Extremely welcoming school. Although he waivers back and forth about being at a big D1 football (they are not)he loved the midsize feel and location. It was freezing for FL but I guess knowing that it is rare was a plus for him. Palm trees and 30 degree temps are strange to see for us northerners.


UNF is on my sons list. Thanks.

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No, these views. The mountains not the plains are the showstopper in Colorado.


Yes, that’s the view that I really had in mind but didn’t have such a photo because I was busy climbing that mountain. :smile:

Nice photo!


Moving up: S/M universities in urban or semi-urban/sub-urban settings

Moving down: small/LAC/remote settings


Michigan State moved up after attending the ADS event this past weekend for my D23. #1 safety at this point and she would be very happy there, although the fact that she doesn’t have a guaranteed spot in the marching band is a bit scary. MB is her life…


I win.



This thread is so long, I can’t remember if I’ve already replied.

Crossed Off - Brandeis. It is one of the most unattractive campuses any of us has seen, and Waltham is bleh. We love Boston, but we don’t love Waltham. We wanted to like Brandeis but there were too many other options.

For one kid, Berkeley. The drive in, the visit, and the drive out, were a turn off. Elements of the campus were nice, but overall it felt like a complicated place to be. Housing was, at the time, rumored to be a nightmare.

Moved up - Skidmore, for one kid. Saratoga Springs. Broadway. Enough said.


My alma mater! :heart_eyes: