COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Soooo… am half way through drinking the “stuff”. (The rest is at 4 am!!) Its making my nose run. Maybe I am drinking it upside down?!? :crazy_face:


Don’t know if it has been mentioned, but what really helped me during prep day was being able to eat lemon water ice (the kind you can buy in the freezer section in cups) - felt more like a meal. Also those chicken bouillon cubes were kind of satisfying (a warm, fragrant mug rather than something cold).


Good luck!! Having been through this 3 times I think I know where you are posting from….ewwwww😀

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Hope it goes well Jym.


thank you. This isnt fun….

lol, @Catcherinthetoast

No pun intended?

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Ugh. I will be so glad when the prep is over!

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Well, my doctor made the call:

Milk of Magnesia (4 tablespoons)


Miralax (10 capfuls PM plus 10 capfuls AM)

I start this evening for tomorrow’s procedure. Wish me luck! :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


How much total liquid do you have to drink along with the Milk of Magnesia and Miralax? THAT is the part that was so difficult before my last colonoscopy.

All done. Waiting for DH to get out of the parking deck and we are off for sushi. Am on the 5 year plan :frowning: and they now recommend doing this til 80!


Good luck @alldonealldone !

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Did they find polyps, or are you otherwise at high risk (family history, etc.)?

The upper age limit is supposed to be an individually determined thing, based on remaining life expectancy and whether the procedure (either colonoscopy or any other treatment for colorectal cancer if found) is medically doable for the person.

So glad to hear that it went well for you today! I’m right “behind” you — scheduled for tomorrow (pun intended, :crazy_face:).


Yes — a lot of liquids!

4 tablespoons (approx 60 ml) liquid MofM
40oz gatorade with the Miralax
8oz water with anti-gas pills
Another 8oz water with anti gas pills

Early AM (4am)
40 oz Gatorade with 2nd half Miralax

Starting in a matter of hours. :flushed:

Good luck! It’s a lot but it will be over soon! Speaking from experience :slight_smile:

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I hope everything comes out alright (pun also intended).

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I asked the Dr. the latest recommendation about when colonoscopies could be discontinues (previously it was 70) before I had this morning’s procedure. He quickly said 80 is the new recommendation. So even if I had had no polyp today (he removed one tiny one he is not particularly concerned about) regardless of whether I was out on the 5 or 10 year plan, its still to continue until 80. That was my understanding of what he said.

Thanks. I’m trying to remember how much liquid I had to drink last time. It was difficult for me. It didn’t seem as much the time before that.

So I’m trying to figure out what would be the least amount of liquid I would have to drink.

Remember to hydrate as much as you can, right up until the appointment, so that they can get the IV needle in easier.