COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

I am scheduled for monday. Ive been following the low residue diet for two days since you all recommended it. I have my liquids for tomorrow. I wish id known to schedule it for the afternoon instead of 10 am. I have to get up at 4:30 to do the second prep drink. I made tge appointment based on old protocol where it was good to be early. Oh well

@xiggi do you mean there is no twelve hour bathroom time prep needed?

Scheduled in 5 months (soonest available) for 2pm.

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surfcity, I hope you have lots of popsicles, they were a lifesaver for my husband!

Five months as soonest available, Madison? That’s crazy.

If I had waited for the scheduler to call me first (I tracked down the number after my referring doctor’s office said to wait for a call from the outside provider), it would have been 8-10 weeks beyond the 5 months.

Incredible. I think we had to wait a couple of weeks, and could have easily moved it up, had we not wanted an afternoon appointment.

I’m sure we’ve discussed this but I don’t get why you’d want an afternoon appointment. That’s when you get delays because the procedures scheduled before yours took longer than anticipated. I really don’t want to be sitting in the waiting room with an unpredictable tummy for longer than two minutes. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the first or second appointment in the AM for me.

I like the early appointment because that is when everyone (doctor, anesthesia providers, nurses, techs) is fresh and energetic.

I’m glad others want the afternoon appointments so I can easily grab the early one!

I think the earlier appointment is good as well. You get it done earlier and get the monkey off the back earlier. Otherwise an afternoon appointment will drag out the prep out longer and it is a drain psychologically. I had a 8am appointment and I was the first patient for the day, the nurses and doctors have fresher mind, therefore, I was out by 12 and still had the whole afternoon to do my work.

The afternoon appointment that I got was awesome (I think it was around 12:30pm). That way, I could sleep in until 6:30am or so, and then do the second part of my prep. I get up at 2am all the time to do my job, and the last thing I wanted to do was get up at 2am to drink some nasty crap, and then go sit on the toilet! Of course, if I was planning on working the rest of the day, that would be a problem. But I just planned on lounging with the dogs the entire day. My husband really liked his appointment at the same time, too.

I guess it depends on your priorities. You want to work the rest of the day? Do an early morning appointment. You want to sleep normal hours? Get a later appointment. I really thought the 12:30 was perfect for us.

Just got back from my procedure. No polyps! Just a “tortoise colon”. LOL

The prep was not pleasant but not nearly as awful as some make it out to be. I used the time to read and clean out some bathroom drawers etc. I had to get up at 4:30 for the second prep but I dozed in bed til 9

The nurse said the prepopik was the easiest prep. I only had to drink five ounces of it and then I could drink clear liquids of my choice after.

The procedure was easy, they have me propofanol and I don’t remember anything, just woke up in the recovery area.

GET IT DONE if you are 50! It feels good to know I have a clean bill if health esp considering I had an uncle who died from colon cancer because he never went for a screening colonoscopy.

Thanks to everyone here. This thread was very helpful to me.

Okay I see auto correct at work above :slight_smile:
That should be tortuous colon!!!

@VeryHappy - I like the late afternoon appointment because I’m useless for the rest of the day anyway, and I felt plenty good enough to get a lot of things taken care of at home before I left. Also, it worked more conveniently for Mr. Arabrab to take off work a couple of hours early rather than missing the whole day, which he would have had I had a morning appointment.

@surfcity – that’s a funny autocorrect. I was imagine things moving at tortoise-like speed. (Back in the day a neighbor’s kid kept California Desert Tortoises as backyard “pets,” and a less lively bunch of animals you’d be hard pressed to find.)

I thought maybe it was just s really slowly processing colon!

I’m not sure which sounds worse, a tortoise colon or a tortuous colon. LOL

He said it can make doing a colonoscopy more difficult to get around the twists and turns. (But he was able to get a good view) I said, isn’t everyone’s colon twisted up??

It can also cause constipation but I have never had any bowels issues.


The small intestines are all coiled up, but the large intestine (colon) is usually not. If you look at a picture of normal anatomy, once you are north of the rectum and sigmoid, you basically have three large segments that are long and straight, with only two turns to make. But some people have to make things difficult, lol.

@xiggi, fleet phospho soda has been used in the US and was dirt cheap (Costco). It has been linked to serious kidney damage and was at one point recalled in the US. I have no idea if it is back on the market. So. Proceed with caution

@Nrdsb4 thank you for that diagram! My Bio 101 class was many years ago. I guess i was thinking of the small intestines. Gotta picture of my colon??

I also have a tipped uterus. Boy do i have good cocktail party chatter :slight_smile:

@surfcity, I’d rather talk about the Presidential election, thank you very much.

Touch diagnosis for a kid. I understand there are numerous meds these days that can ease the symptoms considerably.

 breakfast! black coffee
 now lunch, Sprite on ice! yummy! Liquids only today. The real fun starts at 4pm, appointment tomorrow morning. Don’t worry, I won’t be posting a video.