COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

I had a restricted diet two days before my colonoscopy (which hurt because I went to the county fair and couldn’t eat anything) and then eggs the morning of the prep-day, then only clear liquids. Prep started at 2pm and by 8pm everything was “clear”. When I was hungry I drank coconut water which helped.

I was at the gastroenterologist office yesterday to schedule my colonoscopy and came across an article in the waiting room about a new kind of prep called HyGieaCare. It sounds like some sort of super enema that’s done the day of the colonscopy. No nasty stuff to drink and no dietary restrictions other than a low residue diet right before. It’s not covered by insurance and it’s only offered in a few places right now. I couldn’t find any reviews, either. When I mentioned it to my doctor, he hadn’t even heard of it. So I don’t know if it’s ready for prime time, although it is FDA approved. Just thought the readers of this thread might be interested!


Not sure if it is economically and time wise feasible to go to a “center” for the prep. Most of the patients will be able to follow the instructions and do it at home, instead of going to a “center” to spend $100’s more to have it prepared.

Well it looks like I’m up. Latest CT scan of my GI system has started showing signs of an IBD so I’m waiting to hear when I’m scheduled for.

I went with a friend last week for her colonoscopy and all she had to do was essentially take a giant helping of miralax over 3 days instead of the GoLytlye (sp?). I’m going to ask if I can do that when I go into my GI. Hate hate hate that liquid prep.

edit: brain mixed up metamucil & miralax.

My 53-year-old cousin just had a colonoscopy–and they discovered a massive cancerous growth in his upper colon. He had surgery to remove it yesterday and is still waiting to find out if it’s spread to his other organs. For anyone thinking of putting this off because it’s an unpleasant 24 hours, please re-think.

@romanigypsyeyes I doubt it was metamucil used for the prep. Your friend might have said miralax, which is also used by some gi docs to prep their patients. Metamucil is only psyllium fiber and will certainly not clean out the colon.

Ack! Miralax you are right. Slip of the mind.

Thanks for the clarification.

You’d think I wouldn’t mix those up since I use them both frequently lol

For a much easier prep ask your GI doc if you can use the new 5 ounce prep. Taste decent without the dread of chugging down a gallon of antifreeze.

I had a colonoscopy yesterday and the prep wasn’t too bad. My doctor prescribed Suprep, which is two 6 oz. bottles that he had me mix with 10 oz. of Propel berry flavor (clear colored). I drank one at 4pm, followed by 32 oz. of any clear liquids during the next hour. Warmed Progresso chicken broth tasted the best to me. I also drank a large cup of tea. At 8pm, I followed the same procedure after the second bottle. I also drank apple juice, lemonade, and ate green and orange jello during the day.

Also depends on what your insurance covers despite whatever the doc prescribed. The newer better tolerated smaller prep seems to have the least coverage despite the discount coupon. The above mentioned Suprep seems to have better coverage, and certainly a better alternative to the “gallon of antifreeze”.

I am scheduled for my colonoscopy tomorrow. Very nervous. I have always had severe pain with laxatives when I doctored for colitis years ago. I started low fiber diet a few days ago and clear liquids yesterday and today. Have been drinking lots of broth. I start my pills in an hour. Miralax mixed with 64 oz of Propel water starts around 3. Ugh… Can’t believe I have to wake up and drink the Magnesium citrate at 4AM!!! Procedure at 8.

When I went for my annual physical a few days ago, my doctor was puzzled as to why I have to have another colonoscopy in 2018, three years after my last one, and six years after the first one when they found a suspicious polyp. He looked closer at the records and saw that it was because I wasn’t cleaned out enough in 2015. :frowning: I told him I followed all of the prep instructions, and he said that some people just don’t clean out well. So next year I will ask what I can do differently!

@NorthMinnesota What kind of pills you are taking? Is it part of the prep? I don’t recall pills were part of my prep, it was powder dissolved in liquid or Gatorade. Isn’t it a bit late to start Miralax at 3am for 8am procedure?

How does this subject get into a college discussion forum???

@CU123, you must not have been on the site long, ha. This is the Parent Cafe, so any topic, as long as it complies with the TOS, is acceptable. Whenever I have a question or am making travel plans, the first place I think to post is on CC.

@CU123, the Parents Forum is for college discussions. The Parent Cafe is for anything we darn well please (other than religion or politics).

That’s how “this subject” got here. :wink:

I realize you can post anything you want just didn’t think a college forum, which this is, (even the parent cafe) is where I would go to get my colonoscopy recommendations.

@artloversplus …I started at 11:00 AM with two Dulcolax pills. Will have Miralax mixed with Propel or Gatorade at 3PM until 64 oz finished and then Magnesium Citrate at 4AM before 8AM procedure.

@CU123, the initial reason a lot of us came here was to find about the college search process, but then we stuck around. Just look through the list of threads in the Cafe - quite a wide variety of topics. Because so many posters have contributed so helpfully over the years, I tend to trust their thoughts and advice. This is EXACTLY the right place to come to get recommendations on topics such as colonoscopies!