COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Twins! (Oy.)

Awesome @busdriver11. Having this all behind you :slight_smile: must be a huge load off your mind. Glad I could be of help.

I really recommend doing the low fiber diet like @busdriver (and I) did. It can really help with the prep, and for me personally, it was heaven. I do a very low carb diet, so I donā€™t get to eat mac and cheese, white rice, or potatoes, so you better believe I took advantage of the excuse to do so!

Too funny, @Nrdsb4 . I think I would have enjoyed it more if I ate mac and cheese instead of the boring things I ate. Itā€™s pretty tough, actually, avoiding fiber. I think after doing it you and MaineLonghorns way, the prep is easy because there is very little left to come out of your body. Itā€™s weird how I wasnā€™t weak and running to the bathroom constantly, like the last time. I had no idea how much a difference it could make.

But what is really irritating, is that I have gained three pounds since I started the prep. Probably consumed less than 700 calories over 48 hours, and I gained three pounds! I hoping that is just the stress on my body from the event, and that it will disappear shortly.

Bus, congrats. Done and over with. The weight? You just drank a lot of saltā€¦ it is water weight and will come down.

Now today I get to go for a mammogram, ha. At least Anthem will cover the new 3D technology, so I donā€™t have to agonize about whether to pay for it.

Yep, lots of people gain weight from water retention. It will pass.

IMO, winter time is best for the procedure. Definitely helps with keeping fiber to a minimum prior to the procedure. I can live on Mac and Cheese and chicken broth with HB egg for a couple of days. Canā€™t eat those when it is hot outside!! :slight_smile:

Happy to say that Iā€™m good for 10 years! I did the low-fiber diet plus SuPrep.

I am hopeful that in 10 years, there will be better prep technology. Various aspects of the prep and procedure have come a long way since my husband went through this with the same doctor 5 years ago.

I have my first doctor meeting tomorrow. I really wish I could just show up for the test. Anyway, hard boiled egg, Mac and cheese and chicken broth I could easily do and actually enjoy :wink:

@Knowsstuff, thatā€™s true, but do know that the day before the procedure, you can only have clear liquids-no solid food at all.

Good luck.

I have had this test done since in my 20ā€™s so yes but thank you. . My last one was like 10 years ago. I have like gain so much weight this winter (I of course blame the weather), I could use a day of fasting. I will just pretend itā€™s Yom Kipperā€¦ Lolā€¦ :wink:

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Has anyone tried Hygieacare?

Drinking my prep solution as a I read through this thread. Ugh ā€¦ I will be glad to get this done. Procedure scheduled for 9am tomorrow.

March is Colorectal Awareness month. You may not know that the way we all know that October is Breast cancer Awareness month. Celebrate March by going for your colonoscopy. We are so lucky we have this test that saves lives. We need one for all cancers.

I wish there were a test for pancreatic cancer. Besides Alex Trebec, one of my oldest and bestest friends from high school was diagnosed in December 2017. Sheā€™s in hospice now.

Iā€™m sorry @VeryHappy. Terrible disease.

I just learned that Ruth Bader Ginsberg has survived pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and now lung cancer. Amazing. Pancreatic cancer is awful and few surviveā€¦ @veryhappy - sorry for your friendā€™s illnessā€¦

For me, the only uncomfortable part is drinking the prep, and I didnā€™t find it so bad (maybe because I paid for the better kind out of pocket, $100). But mainly midazolam (Versed) let me remember nothing of the procedure. For me, pain is the memory of pain, so if I donā€™t remember, it didnā€™t hurt. Years ago I had a sigmoidoscopy without midazolam, and it was horrid.

I went through most of the procedure awake, and I remember it. It was uncomfortable but not overly painful.