Colorado College asks for tons of financial information -- Do they end up being too expensive?

My daughter would like to get into Colorado College. But I have my doubts that we will be able to afford it because they ask for a lot more financial and tax information that every other school to which she has applied. Joking (but maybe not), it looks like they use forensic accountants to determine what families can afford. Has anyone received a financial aid offer from that college that wasn’t too burdensome? Thank you!

@SCTwinsMom did you run the net price calculator for Colorado College using your financials?

Are you divorced? Are you self employed or do you own a business? Do you own real estate in addition to your primary residence? If no…the net price calculator will give you a decent estimate if your net costs for Colorado College.

If your daughter will be enrolling fall 2021, you will use 2019 tax return numbers.

Have you run their net price calculator? It should give you a good cost estimate…do the npc linked to on this page (it uses College Raptor as it’s processor), rather than the myintuition one:

Note that NPCs may not be accurate if parents are divorced, own a business, or own investment real estate.

Regarding divorced parents, Colorado College requires both divorced parents’ finances. Using the net price calculator in this case requires accurate financial information from both parents, which may be difficult to get.

Colorado is one of only about 75 schools in the country that claim to meet students’ full financial need.

Schools that offer the most need-based aid tend also to require the most financial information from applicants (e.g., they usually require the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA), presumably because they want to make sure that the aid is going to the folks who need it most.

In terms of a very general reply, USN ranks 40 LACs under its “Great Schools, Great Prices” category. Colorado College does not appear among the 40.