colorado college

<p>how is this schools reputation in everyones opinion? it seems to be ranked fairly high on the lacs list, but it doesnt seem like it is very well known</p>

<p>dont let the ranking fool you, kenyon also ranks quite high but personally i think it doesn't even come close to reed in term of reputation .. reed is a great school but so underrated</p>

<p>Depends on where you are and who you listen to. I think CC is making progress towards being in the top 20 LAC's. Statistically speaking, it lags most of the top LAC's in terms of selectivity and per student endowment. However, the 5-year graduation rate for CC is considerably higher for CC (84%) as compared to 70% for Reed for example. They also have a high percentage of instructors holding PhD's (94%). CC has a national draw with students from every state I think. The Block Plan is something that sets it apart from nearly all other LAC's and major universities.</p>

<p>we're tlaking "reputation" here, arent we? so im not going to commend on quality of education or which school has higher graduation rate... colorado college will only go down in ranking that i can tell and no one takes cc seriously anyways. try reed, grinnell, carleton or oberlin...</p>

<p>why it that? haha well its a little late for me to consider other colleges since i am graduating soon....i was just wondering about the school since im going to have to choose eventually..ugh</p>

<p>Well, I wouldn't decide on a college based on reputation. For an undergraduate degree you want to pick a school where the whole experience suits what you're looking for and where you'll get a great education (which you will get at colorado college). Graduate School is the time to look at reputation (not neccisarily for the school but for your scpecific major). Colorado College has great grad school placement statistics at top schools/med school so you can always go there for undergrad and then go to a more 'prestigious' school for grad school. But, prestige shouldn't be anything. A lot of the top ranked National Universities cater to their grad students and give them most of the attention or they are ranked high because the profs do lots of research (and maybe arent good teachers). Also, a lot of the well-known colleges are well known because they have strong athletic programs (which causes more people to apply since theyve heard of it and hence the school has to be more selective). However, that doesn't make the more well known school better--it just has more sports and good football. I'm not saying thats always the case (i mean, obviously the ivies are good schools) but dont let anyone say Colorado College isnt a good school because its not as well known. Colorado College is becoming higher ranked every year (jumped 6 places since last year!) and everyone i know there loves it! I asked my friend at my current university (who is from Colorado) her opinion of Colorado College and she said it's definetly the best school in Colorado and it was where all the 'smartest' kids from her graduating class wanted to go. Make your choice of school based on where you will be happy, not based on the schools reputation. :-)</p>

<p>wow that is reassuring, thanks! its hard not to get caught up in the prestige thing since people seem pretty obsessed with it. it seems like a great school and right now its one of my top choices (hopefully i will get in!). =)</p>

<p>cc is a good school, but definitely not at the same level as grinnell, reed or carlton in term of reputation. and i have to agree with kaitylin that prestige shouldn't be the only factor when deciding where to go to school.</p>

dont let the ranking fool you, kenyon also ranks quite high but personally i think it doesn't even come close to reed in term of reputation .. reed is a great school but so underrated


<p>Wes_cali: Personally I think Grinnell sucks; Dont let the ranking fool you... Grinnell is ranked so highly because of her 1 billion endowment. Take away 800 million, and I think Grinnell's rank on US News will hover that of Colorado College's. Ok, please stop playing the "personally I think" game. If you want to say anything, do ensure that you have at least something to back it up. And it's pretty fishy that rs6ers posted at the same places that you posted in and thus "sort of backing you up"... Look at the thread entitled "find a good safety..." at Kenyon's thread and you guys will understand. In addition, it's even more fishy when both you guys joined CC at about the same time.</p>

<p>kenyon_10: you're right about the endowment, it has a lot to do with the ranking. would you expect mit to rank highly if its endowment is the size of kenyon's?</p>