Colorado state university engineering physics

I am about to transfer to CSU for engineering physics, and I wanted to see if it was a viable option or if I should switch to EE. From what I have read the EP degree is a little different from most. At CSU, it is basically an EE degree, but it trades a few electrical classes for some advanced physics options. It also lets you choose a specialty between modern laser physics, energy conversion, solid state electronics, and energy engineering. I really enjoy physics including quantum and nuclear, but electrical engineering and electromag interests me as well, which is why EP sounds like the perfect degree for me. I have heard it’s much harder to get a job at the bachelor level though. Any thoughts?

My experience with advising Physics and Applied Physics majors at Illinois Tech is that they can generally get good jobs with a BS if they are good students and know how to sell their skills. An Engineering Physics degree should make it that much easier if the job expects someone with an engineering degree. If you like the physics, stick with EP.