Columbia College Chicago Questions

Hi! I recently visited Columbia and I really loved the campus. It was already extremely high on my list, but I have a few things that worry me. I am interested in acting (either BA, but preferably the BFA) and the minor in stage combat.

My current high school has an incredible theatre department that I have been actively involved in since my freshman year (I’m a senior). But we have a politically motivated teacher staff and my confidence has been completely obliterated because of the teachers and students. I really don’t want that in the college that I go to.

So, for Columbia, what I’m a little hesitant of is the fact that there are so many people in the school and the theatre majors that it worries me about two things.

  1. I would like to know how competitive the atmosphere is, specifically for acting majors (BFA or BA). Is it generally a supportive community between students and other students and teachers. Or is it a competition of the best talent and cut throat people going after the same roles?
  2. I know Columbia allows students to branch outside, but I’d like to know how much do students actually get to make use of their acting inside the school. Like, in shows or other student’s films?

Hi @avven12 – I don’t know if this forum gets a lot of traffic, you might want to ask over in the subforum for theater under College Majors. There are some current CCC students/parents there who might speak to your questions. I’m a parent, my freshman son (currently BA Acting, considering the BFA) just left today for CCC, so I don’t have a lot to go on yet, but based on what I know from visiting campus and attending the orientation I do not think it’s a cut throat environment. Seems really supportive, actually! And there are a TON of shows produced by the school – 40 shows a year, I think. Plus there are opportunities in other students’ projects, getting cast in film students’ work, staging your own shows, etc. We’ll see how it goes for my son, but I’m excited for him and think it’s going to be great. Why not call and talk to someone in the theatre department? All the staff/faculty I’ve spoken to are really easy to talk to and excited to chat with students.

Thank you so much! I’ll check out the sub forum. I hope your son has a good first year!